Costa Rica …..”tree of life”

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Larry S

Well-known member
Supporting Member
In January 2017 my wife and I were on a tour bus in central Costa Rica with a few other couples. We crossed the country’s continental divide and I was gobsmacked by a ridge line scene. I got the driver to stop the bus and bailed out and got this shot with a D750 & 28-105mm kit lens. The guide said only brahma cows can live in Central American heat and we were looking at “the tree of life”(?) I later thought that if you asked a 6 year old to draw a picture of a cow in a pasture….. this is what you’d get..😁
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We have all breeds of cows here including Holsteins, he was lying... That's our excuse for charging an arm and a leg for cheese and meat. "Too hot for the cows!"