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An open field in a Washington State wildlife refuge was a perfect spot for this coyote to hunt voles for dinner.
Wow, that's unusual another coyote with blue eyes. Although coyotes eyes are blue when young, they are normally yellow-brown as adults. It's been reported in Cali, though this too appears to be special...https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/coyotes-animals-eyes-genetics. Perhaps it is a wolf/coyote hybrid?
Wow, that's unusual another coyote with blue eyes. Although coyotes eyes are blue when young, they are normally yellow-brown as adults. It's been reported in Cali, though this too appears to be special...https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/coyotes-animals-eyes-genetics. Perhaps it is a wolf/coyote hybrid?
If you look closely at the tail. you will see the beginning of mange affecting this animal. This angle makes him look fairly bulky but it was a relatively slender, young animal. Mange is common at this refuge. While some live long enough to breed, many do not. A mild winter helps survival rates but it is a difficult place of the coyote families.