- Post score: 2
- #26
Gorden@Callie. How did you rotate that like that and keep the background, did you layer it and blend it in??
I cropped the frame off. (When starting on an image, you won't have the frame.)
Then you content aware crop ~ and you rotate the crop at the same time; as you rotate the crop, you eyeball the frame to get your composition in the frame. The nice thing is, you can make it larger and recrop and rotate if it is not 100%, I did it a second time~ It does most of the work for you, adding in the blank corners, etc.
Then, where there are anomalies, You lasso and content aware fill.
When starting with the opened image, and you know you are going to rotate it, it is a good idea to first content aware crop say 1"or so outside the current frame; this extends your Bg and image size. It seems PS is better filling in horiz and vert than diagonally at triangles. Then, you contemplate how you would like the subject to sit in the frame, and content aware crop/rotate.
Hope this helps