D500, 500MM PF and 1.4 III Teleconverter

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On a whim last year, I purchased a used 1.4 teleconverter in anticipation I would use it along with my 500mm on my z9 (if it ever gets here). I tried it a bit on my D850 but nothing serious. This week I was out on my favorite bike trail when I noticed an Osprey sitting on a street light. Not exactly a pleasing pose but (s)he was nicely in the open, the light was very good and I thought this might be a good time to give the tele another try. I had no idea (s)he had a fish until it took flight. I shot a sequence of maybe 20-25 pictures but most, while in focus, were pretty boring due to the light/electric posts in the area. Two of the shots were clear of all these distractions. This is one of them.
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