D850 ERR msg in display

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I had a sad event happen: all my gear went into the water (unfortunately, it was also on my back!). Anyway, I packed all the gear in rice for 2 weeks. When I tried to fire up the D850 after that, an ERR msg displayed in the control panel display. None of the control buttons worked, including Live View; it continued to display ERR. I figured it was a total loss. The next day, I tried again. The ERR message appeared, but when I pressed the shutter button, it cleared and snapped a shot. It has continued to work since then (about 200 photos).

My question is, What are the chances there is still something wrong, and ERR will appear intermittently? Should I have the unit checked out by a repair specialist?

I look forward to comments and suggestions!
In a situation like that, you never know. It may be fine from now on, or it may fail you at the worst possible moment. For me, it would be like a photographic time bomb waiting to go off.