Desert Colors

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Supporting Member
Sometimes the desert sand is all about the same color and sometimes not. Here is a four shot pano from 2012 in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. The colors were special . A couple of hundred miles north of this spot and flat tan with maybe a red tinge was the rule.

Now that I have been fully retired for almost one year and have gotten most of the paperwork and kinks worked out, I am starting an effort to clean out my photo catalog augmented by the arrival of winter and decline of easy photo opportunities. So far I have deleted about 5%, with a long way to go. Target is to shed about one-third or more of the 72,00 image digital catalog and to put together a series of photobooks of our adventures. This effort will eventually include all of the old style prints going back will beyond 50 years. We shall see.

Anyway, culling the Saudi photos (2009-2021) is a start. I expect to find and share a few more gems.

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