Difference between flashes?

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If you are making a lot of money tax deductions for equipment are important and Profoto deductions add up fast. An on camera flash like the A10 is only $1100, four times the cost of Godox. Get into Studio Flash and a single 2400 WS pack is $17,500, flash heads an additional $3K each and then you need reflectors. JAMOM LOL
  • Recycling times 0.05–0.9 s
  • Up to 20 flashes per second
For those who need it. Maybe a scientific lab. Definitely not for Portrait work.
Here’s the deal. High end gear isn’t for everyone just like low end gear isn’t. Not everyone sees the value in a 600f4 so they can’t understand how someone would spend that much money. To each their own but to believe people are being paid to use it is the only reason anyone would is misguided.
  • Recycling times 0.05–0.9 s
  • Up to 20 flashes per second
For those who need it. Maybe a scientific lab. Definitely not for Portrait work.
I was looking at that. 2400 WS charge in less than a second? +2 500W modeling lights should pop breakers. Might have slow charge like some Norman packs had.

Maybe Profoto opens a portal to another dimension for extra power, could explain their cost.
I think that this is a very naive view. Do you think that the brand ambassadors are doing it for free? That's how they make a living or supplement their income.
None of them are brand ambassadors and have paid for their own Profoto gear. Take Moose he stopped using Nikon flash and paid for Profoto gear. So no not naive. Many use the right tool for the job.
600/4 vs. 600/6.3 is clearly defined the advantage. Godox vs. profoto 250w flash heads, doesn’t have that defined advantage.

Its like 2 brands 600/4, both produce literally identical results, while one brand costs triple
That flash will work fine with modern Nikon cameras, supports Nikon's iTTL through the lens flash metering and can serve as a wireless control or remote unit if you end up picking up more flashes and getting into coordinated multi-flash setups.

Flashes do span a wide price range which varies with things like camera brand name vs third party, flash guide number (max power), features like through the lens flash metering and ability to use the flash as part of a wireless synched multi-flash setup, convenience of LCD displays and programming buttons and the like. The flash you linked is solid and will work fine with Nikon cameras.
I have the flashpoint version of the Godox flash, and it works well, but my New-to- me Nikon flashes seem to do just a little better. YMMV :)
Which Nikon flash?
does Nikon have hot shoe flashes that would master radio control other Godox flashe on stands?
Joel; I have the SB 400, 600 and 800. Iirc, Godox/Flashpoint flashes have proprietary radio systems, and Nikon the same. They don't play well together, but Nikon flashes will trigger other flashes with S1-S2 Optical trigger functions, and vice versa. There are relativelly inexpen$ive radio units that work well, too.
Which Nikon flash?
does Nikon have hot shoe flashes that would master radio control other Godox flashe on stands?

On camera flashes always used to control slaves by optical triggering, like the Nikon CLS system that use the pop up flash as a trigger. My Godox flashes can be set to radio or optical slaves so I would have thought that a Nikon flash will trigger Godox flashes, but not by radio triggering.
Joel; I have the SB 400, 600 and 800. Iirc, Godox/Flashpoint flashes have proprietary radio systems, and Nikon the same. They don't play well together, but Nikon flashes will trigger other flashes with S1-S2 Optical trigger functions, and vice versa. There are relativelly inexpen$ive radio units that work well, too.
Thank you.
Reading various customer responses I went with Westcott for small strobes as there were fewer reported problems than Godox and haven't been disappointed. Quality is very good! They are on sale this week too. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/buy/Lights/ci/10329/N/4232862743

I went back to Norman for Studio Flash as prices for recent power packs are very good and all the 900 Series Flash Heads and reflectors are compatible. To replace my existing power packs and flash heads with Profoto would cost over $145,000 plus another $30,000 for all the modifiers I've collected. Expensive? Na