Do you use Banks and if so how?

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Probably hashed to death but thought I would toss this out there.

I use 3 of the 4 banks for wildlife, macro/landscape, and night. Intend to copy one of the 3 banks to A each time I start a new day. Don't follow this too well. I need to find a better method.

Thoughts, suggestions, just get more disciplined?
i have one bank for general shootings p- mode

one for birding manual

one for macro with flash manual

one for macro no flash aperture priority

then i have recall hold assigned to a function button . instant way go from birding to say landscape for a shot and back to birds
One general, one animal, one for fast action, then one for landscapes.
Also set recall hold to fn1 (Z8) tow useful alternative
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I have one for general photography, 1 for birding/wildllife, 1 for landscape and still debating on the fourth option. New to the Z8 and it's been a long while since the D810 for me to remember how I had them set up previously.

Personally I prefer the banks to the PSAM dial though banks on a dial would be even better.
I have A set for General Photography, B for Wildlife/Action, C for landscape, all with Back Button Focus etc. D is pretty much factory settings with focus left on the shutter button and Program mode for exposure for those occasions when you want to hand the camera to someone else and be in the picture. Too hard to give an impromptu lesson on BBAF on the spot.
Probably hashed to death but thought I would toss this out there.
Yes, this has been hashed to death in another recent thread, but here’s what I do.

I have shooting and custom banks named Birds, Wildlife, and Landscape. I keep one unassigned for experimentation (mostly video) or testing changes to one of the assigned banks. I have saved settings which I load before each day’s shooting to ensure I’m working from a known camera state.
Yes there sure are so many recurring discussion threads about banks.... So no need to dwell on complaints and glitches, and possible updates.

I started off on a refined setup system for outdoor genres using the paired Photo-Custom Banks with the D500 (2016), and its brethren (D850, D5). My D6 is also configured similarly for: A. Wildlife, B. standard, C. Landscape-Macro, D. Action with Extended Banks On. An iMenu switch is quick with thumb presses, particularly between A <> D, which I often switch suddenly.
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As for optimized Z9 banks.... Without configured Banks it would be very challenging, indeed impossible, to manage the wider scope of versatility packed into the Z9 menus. Compared to any pro DSLRs, or a Z7 IME, there's much more under the hood to configure a Pro hybrid camera for different Applications. Mine have A. Wildlife, B. AutoCapture, C. Landscape-Macro, D. Action

Once optimized the Banks work efficiently, particularly to switch between entire suites of settings with quick iMenu thumb presses....for different genres. With Extended Banks On, this changes over (almost) the entire diversity of Z9 settings.... custom configurations of AF modes, RSF, PreCapture, VR, Exposure, AutoCapture, Focus-Stacking, Image quality etc. Tweaking the iMenu for its genre in each Custom Bank is also useful.

And it's optimal to setup, within the current constraints, at least one pair of Video banks with a twinned iMenu.
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I have three dedicated: wildlife/bif, landscape, Astro. Wildlife and Landscape banks I use primarily at the end of day or before I head out to reset the camera to a baseline starting point which has saved me a few oh s*** moments in the field. I don’t shoot much Astro, so I find having the Astro bank available as a handy starting point for when I do, and then I can switch everything back to my “normal” with the appropriate bank. Pain to learn and setup, but now that I have them pretty nifty. As I dabble in video I will probably setup more.
Nope, I like customization features that let me quickly change settings, ideally without taking my eye from the viewfinder and use those to reconfigure for differing needs.

I’ve tried both custom banks and U1, U2 type saved settings and don’t find them useful. Even within a given shooting genre I find myself changing settings on the fly and much prefer not having to remember why I saved various configurations and instead just quickly change to the settings I need for the given situation.
I don’t use them. On my Z9 I have the AF-ON and Fn1 and Fn2 assigned to AF in three different modes (area/zone, tracking, and center) when held. With M mode and Auto ISO at 8fps, the only settings I adjust are white balance, picture styles, aspect, or turn on 20fps if I’m shooting action.

When I want to shoot lit portraits or macro I just adjust the camera, and adjust it back when I’m done. I don’t tend to do more than one kind of shooting in a session, so the setup to me is less work than maintaining banks.
Not for photography (too many variables are always changing), yes for video. Always full manual for photography, custom button to switch AF modes (animal, bird, human), rear wheel set to change ISO.

Video though I keep three settings to quickly change between (24p/50ss, 60p/120ss, 120p/240ss) and then only need to tweek aperture to get desired video exposure. For video I want shutter speed and ISO locked ALWAYS to not accidentally change and have a custom button set to switch between the two dual base ISO settings of ISO 800 and ISO 12800.
I miss the U1, U2, etc as easier to know your settings - U1 was always 3200 at 6.4 regardless if it was changed during shooting. With the banks you have to check to see what has changed. Possible to keep same settings by copying bank A (or whatever) to an empty bank or another card that is not being used or changed, then copy it back at end or beginning of a shooting. Currently am playing around with video and have a action/bird setting for banks A-B with same still settings but with different video record settings - regular speed vs setting for slow motion.
Happy New Year and lots of shooting for everyone!
No and in fact I have had a couple times where it changed from Bank A to another one without me intentionally changing it. I must be hitting something accidentally, but I don't know what. After it happened the first time I posted here and someone kindly told me how to duplicate my settings from Bank A to B,C,D so when it happens I don't need to worry. (First time it happened it went to camera default which is JPEG only and no RAW).