Here's the original question asked by Woody. "I'm wondering what you think about the narrow depth of field on this shot. Thanks!"
I have a feeling that Woody could have gotten all the sharpness he wanted on the wings if that was the goal.
Checking out some of Woodys other work I see excellent, sharp BIF images. One image of a herron in particular has water droplets frozen in motion beautifully highlighting the image. Woodys images show that he understands how to stop motion and freeze action so I have to believe he didn't want sharp wings distacting from the crisp birds head. The wings in this image are soft because they are behind the depth of field area.
Stopping down, not up, would make them sharper but they are also on two separate planes so the fstop and focus combination would have to be one that covered both planes and the head to get them sharp. I doubt any of that is what Woody was going for when he shot this image.
I'd enjoy hearing Woodys remarks. I could be totally wrong.