Does the Z9 specs meet your expections

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I would buy one of those in a heartbeat. I went with the Z7II as mostly a tech upgrade on or 4 or 5 yer old gear and mirrorless is clearly the future so another DSLR didn’t make sense. Went with the FF Z as opposed to the DX 50 for features, not sensor size…si went with the 7II OVER THE 6II to balance out the loss of crop factor lens reach…but in reality for my purposes a crop sensor is more than good enough. So…a more fully featured crop Z…if it had most or all of 5he Z9 AF and FPS along with the stacked sensor would make me very happy.

A lot of people would likely love to see this camera at the top of the roadmap but reality is, Nikon took 10 years to finally release a D500... so do we think they learnt the lesson or will they repeat the same strategy and see how disgruntled their customers can get before moving?

I wish they would just come clean on plans and realistic timelines - they lost almost 5pts of market share this year which went to Canon and Sony (and I know, some of it is exiting low end products which made no money so not all bad), so silence may not be their best friend strategically.
Fully agree, a Z90 will do so nicely for many genres, and especially for many wildlife subjects :)

All speculation, obiously wrt a Z8 and DX "Z90" but the grapevine has it Nikon was evaluated the latter with due seriousness
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