Evaluating Some Upgrade Options from Nikon 200-500

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I often use my 500 PF on the Z9 and D6. It's one of the best telephotos ever made, and the Z Telephotos are as excellent but they definitely haven't eclipsed the 500 PF ;)

I agree with @Rassie and many others who endorse this light prime, especially as you're keeping your DSLRs.

The Z-mount only 400 f4.5S and 600 PF are in the same niche zone:- They pair well with TC's, being so sharp and light with pleasing bokeh... BUT cost more. With the 500 PF, this 400/500/600 triad are Nikon's Commando Kit primes. Unique solutions for wildlife photography and similar genres, especially if the other options are too heavy.

The long awaited 180-600 has replaced the worthy 200-500. It's more versatile but at least 3/4 kg heavier than any of the triad of Commando-Kit primes.

I am hoping to stop by one of our local stores where I can compare the size/weight/handling of the 500PF and 180-600, and can also rent them as well if I wish. But before I rent them, I do want to try out my 200-500 with the Z6iii first, if only to see how it compares to the D500 for AF speed and acquisition. I think that both lenses are good options and good alternatives to the 200-500, but as my time to get out and shoot is still quite limited, any outlay of cash right now for a lens has really got to wow me over.

Don't really understand your calculation to come to 17-18 MP ?
Yes your 500mm will become a 750 equiv if you crop, but you will only have 10.9 MP on your Z6iii (24,5MP / 1,5^2)
I was a bit brief in my reply on that post. Let me elaborate. A 200-500 on an APS-C sensor would give me an equiv. of 750mm. If I used the 180-600 on a Z6iii, the crop to get 750 is not as dramatic as a DX crop (which would yield me 900mm equiv. at 10.6 MP on the Z6iii). I estimated that a 750mm equiv. on the Z6iii with the 180-600 would yield approx. 17-18 MP after a bit of cropping to get a FOV match. Apologies for not "showing the math' on my initial calculation.

The 500mm pf is the best choice of thee lenses for birding. My photo buddy shot with it extensively and I have seen some amazing results.
The 500mm pf is the best choice of thee lenses for birding. My photo buddy shot with it extensively and I have seen some amazing results.
It has a great reputation. But I am also hearing that the 180-600 is not very far behind in terms of IQ. Hoping to look at both this weekend if possible. Each brings something to the table that the other does not, and that may make any decision a bit harder.

I was a bit brief in my reply on that post. Let me elaborate. A 200-500 on an APS-C sensor would give me an equiv. of 750mm. If I used the 180-600 on a Z6iii, the crop to get 750 is not as dramatic as a DX crop (which would yield me 900mm equiv. at 10.6 MP on the Z6iii). I estimated that a 750mm equiv. on the Z6iii with the 180-600 would yield approx. 17-18 MP after a bit of cropping to get a FOV match. Apologies for not "showing the math' on my initial calculation.

OK , thanks for this explanation . Now I can do my math : cropping from 600 to 750 gives you a factor 1,25 . For cropping you have to square this (1,25 x 1,25). So as the Z6iii has a sensor of 24,5MP this will give you 15,7MP for your FOV match
OK , thanks for this explanation . Now I can do my math : cropping from 600 to 750 gives you a factor 1,25 . For cropping you have to square this (1,25 x 1,25). So as the Z6iii has a sensor of 24,5MP this will give you 15,7MP for your FOV match
Thanks for dialing it in. I used the SWAG method (Scientific Wild A##ed Guess) and got pretty close. 😉

I went from a D500 and 200-500 lens to a Z9 and the 180-600 lens. I love the lens. It's internal, and has a handy DX/FX button too, oh, and it's waterproof. I'm an old-timer and hauling around a big lens for any length of time is an issue. I work around that by having a monopod doing the work and it's pretty comfortable to just shoulder it while walking around PLUS the monopod yields cleaner results. I think the 180-600 has a faster AF than the 500. No complaints here.
hope that this does not come to late. I have upgraded my Sigma 150-600/6.3 C on a DX body 5 years ago to a Sigma 500/4 prime on the same body. 3 years ago I upgraded from DX to FX with Z9. I currently use the Z9 combo with SIgma 500/4 as my all day lens for wildlife inlc. BIFs. It works great! My own experience underline IQ reviews for the Sigma. It works pretty well with FTZ adapter on Z9. It is well balanced for handhold shots. I get even more reach with the Sigma 1,4TC resulting in 700/f5,6 doing a great job.
The sigma 500 should be sinificantly less than Nikon glass, new or second hand, does not matter.
Mike (thats_wildlife)
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