Exam time boyz!

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This beautiful and brave Cheetah mom had just taken down an impala and left it for the cubs to start practicing cutting thru the skin and chew their way to the flesh.

Initially, she was lying about 3 meters away and the cubs were trying their best to tear apart the Impala, without success.

They all went back to where their mother was, asking for help, so she did, making just the minimum cut for them to keep trying. So much fun seeing the cubs like "mom, we can't do it...help us!"

Eventually, they sort of did, while she was circling around as a teacher around its pupils during an exam... (more fun!)

At the same time, she was on high alert for predators (she had lost one cub to lions the night before...), so after me having taken a good handful of shots, we decided to leave them alone and reduce the stress of having humans around for her to care for.

Kicheche Bush Camp, Olare Motorogi Conservancy, Kenya. Guided by Josphatsapit

Z91_1105-©MC by Marcelo Cinicola, on Flickr

Nikon Z9 + 180-400 TC FL
370mm - f/4 - 1/1000s - ISO 900 +0.3EV

Krgds, Marcelo

This beautiful and brave Cheetah mom had just taken down an impala and left it for the cubs to start practicing cutting thru the skin and chew their way to the flesh.

Initially, she was lying about 3 meters away and the cubs were trying their best to tear apart the Impala, without success.

They all went back to where their mother was, asking for help, so she did, making just the minimum cut for them to keep trying. So much fun seeing the cubs like "mom, we can't do it...help us!"

Eventually, they sort of did, while she was circling around as a teacher around its pupils during an exam... (more fun!)

At the same time, she was on high alert for predators (she had lost one cub to lions the night before...), so after me having taken a good handful of shots, we decided to leave them alone and reduce the stress of having humans around for her to care for.

Kicheche Bush Camp, Olare Motorogi Conservancy, Kenya. Guided by Josphatsapit

Z91_1105-©MC by Marcelo Cinicola, on Flickr

Nikon Z9 + 180-400 TC FL
370mm - f/4 - 1/1000s - ISO 900 +0.3EV

Krgds, Marcelo
Nice story! Very cool👍👍👍