Favorite Bird Photos

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Tony B

Well-known member

Here's a few of my favorite bird photos. I especially enjoy portrait style images with an emphasis on side-lighting. I use fixed-lens bridge / superzoom cameras and Photoshop Elements 12.

I look forward to sharing my favorite images of the amazing birds that grace the California Coast.


Double-crested Cormorant
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Snowy Egret
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Great Blue Heron
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Black-crowned Night Heron
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Green Heron
Canon SX40 GHerontonybritton2021.jpg
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These are my remaining favorites from the Snowy Egret series. The first photo is my very favorite from this set.

Thanks for looking.


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snowy series2tb2021.jpg
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That series of the snowy egret is superb. I love the exposure balance / processing you picked, with the background going full black and the bird just popping in front of it.
That series of the snowy egret is superb. I love the exposure balance / processing you picked, with the background going full black and the bird just popping in front of it.
Really pleased that you like this series. Side-lighting is extremely important in creating this type of image. These are great birds to work with!

Hope you'll enjoy this set.

Great Blue Heron
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Double-crested Cormorant
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Great Egret
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Snowy Egret
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Wood Duck
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Love the wood duck. I can’t manage to get within 50 yards of one, very skittish birds. Beautiful shot.
Thanks, Squatch. Yes, Wood Ducks are very skittish and I was fortunate to get this portrait. The bird that still presents a challenge for me is the Belted Kingfisher. I've yet to get close enough to get a decent shot!

Hope you'll enjoy this set.

Snowy Egret
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Red-shouldered Hawk
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Brown Pelican
UHH2015Britton Pelicans (8).jpg
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Western Gull
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Double-crested Cormorant
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A few more of my favorite portraits featuring examples of how much I enjoy using side-light.

Great Blue Heron
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Black-crowned Night Heron
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Snowy Egret
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Black-crowned Night Heron (juvenile form)
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Double-crested Cormorant
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A few more from my collection I hope you'll enjoy.

Black Oystercatcher
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Herrmann's Gull
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Brandt's Cormorant
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Black-crowned Night Heron
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Snowy Egret
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