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The Lilly Pads have been thick this season, but the last couple weeks it has been cooling off and the pads have been slowly thinning. I went out this week a couple times in the evening because the Soras finally came out and I had a few more welcoming surprises. The light was a little harsh earlier, but as the evening progressed the dusk golden light made up for it.


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Chris S.
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Very nice set of shots. Beauties.
Steven, Many Thanks for the comment
Chris S.
I also like this set - nicely done
Elsa, Thank You very much for your comment
Chris S.
Great set. The killdeer is the winner imho ! Is that a juv. sora? Very interesting plumage. And are these taken in the Pacific NW?

You got that right, it is a Sora and also taken in the Pacific NW, the Sora's came out late this season, normally come out earlier. The Killdeer was also a joy to photograph, Thank you for your comments.

Chris S.