File under great news!!

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Well, if the NPS didn't want this, then they shouldn't have interpreted the rules so strictly in the first place. They had their chance and screwed it up. To quote the article:
"Rienzie and Burkesmith had applied for a permit so they could film Michelino Sunseri’s attempt to break the record for the fastest climb up the Grand Teton in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming in September. However, the NPS denied the pair’s permit and pocketed the non-refundable $325 application regardless.

The photographers decided to film Sunseri’s feat anyway and ended up being investigated by NPS and Grand Teton National Park. The NPS suggested that the photographers could still face criminal charges if they ever sell or use their footage."
I suspect there's more to the story than the article discloses, but whatever the case I rather doubt that Congress passed the new law based solely on the experience of two wannabe filmmakers. We may have different opinions on the matter but ultimately I think the new regs will lead to problems in parks.
I suspect there's more to the story than the article discloses, but whatever the case I rather doubt that Congress passed the new law based solely on the experience of two wannabe filmmakers. We may have different opinions on the matter but ultimately I think the new regs will lead to problems in parks.

Well, the new regs are basically the same as the old regs before they were reinterpreted, so I doubt there'll be any more problems than there were previously.
Well, the new regs are basically the same as the old regs before they were reinterpreted, so I doubt there'll be any more problems than there were previously.
If by "reinterpreted" you mean changed, then I would agree with you. Certainly there's likely to be more filming in national parks than previously, which was the intent of the change in regulations. Paying hefty fees for permission to film was likely a deterrent for some videographers, in my opinion.