Flying Kingfisher

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Recent morning at the local pond, they are fast

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OMG, Chris, incredible shots. They are like bullets when they fly. And what makes it so difficult is that they are low to the water and they blend in so well. Well done👍👍👍👍

Just curious: what equipment were you using?
Thank You for your comment, appreciated, I shoot with the Z9 and Z600TC lens

Chris S.
Great shots!!
I have been trying to shoot swallows recently and on a scale of one to ten your shots are a hundred times better than my attempts. Great work.
Many Thanks for your comment, I can appreciate your frustration,, practice practice and maybe increase your shutter speed, when you get that shot it will give you a big smile.
Keep trying and Good Luck
Chris S.
Many Thanks for your comment, I can appreciate your frustration,, practice practice and maybe increase your shutter speed, when you get that shot it will give you a big smile.
Keep trying and Good Luck
Chris S.
I agree and have been shooting 1/5000 to 8000 and the Z8 does an excellent job of focusing and tracking. The major problem is the distance is usually too far and the subjects appear way too small in the photos because they are flying over a lake.

Generally speaking they are eating a bug hatch that occurs about the same time every day. They appear to leave from the far sides of trees and I don't get a good angle on them because they aren't visible until they are over the water.

Ironically, as I was leaving the lake one time, after a frustrating exercise of taking about 500 shots, I spotted two swallows taking off from a perch in tall grass. I aimed and started shooting before I ever got the camera completely to my eye. The Z8 did its job as advertised. It locked on, focused and tracked perfectly for the two seconds the birds were visible.

The resulting shots were good but all I can take credit for is being wise enough to buy that model camera in the first place. And, as you suggested, I will keep on practicing and will use your shots as inspiration. Thanks