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When I retired about 10 years ago, I took up photography. When light was low, or I wanted to record sounds or behavior, I would try some video. Always did minimal processing. At that time Flickr didn't allow video posting so would post on youtube. In part I got the Z9 for its enhanced video quality. Still haven't tried Raw video since only use iMovie to edit. So will be looking forward to tips that more experienced video shooters provide.
One of my recent videos was of an American badger using the 800mm PF lens after spotting it above ground at dusk:

thank you for the video! I even didn't know that such an animal exists! :)
Thanks Elena! They are fascinating creatures. Often are only seen when the light is very low. So perfect for doing video. My favorite experience was watching one hunt and realizing this mom had two cubs back at the burrow and was bringing back food for them!

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Nice video. I haven't had an opportunity to see a badger in the wild yet. Some day, I hope.
Thanks Fred! They are hard to spot, but people often see them in Yellowstone. I have the opportunity to often go to Pt Reyes which is not far from where I live and have been lucky to see them several times there.