Global shutter on the A9iii (rumor)

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That would be a solution for any flash sync you can imagine, no distortion and super high frame rates. But already stacked sensors are almost as fast as it is needed. It might be hell of a sports camera. But I guess most of wildlife shooters are spoiled by higher mpx bodies. I love those high pixel counts, not for cropping but for details I love to see. For certain shots and frames a global shutter might be a gamechanger tho. But I guess most of wildlife shooters would love a faster a7iv, with 30,40, 50 ? FPS and 1/400? Sync speed, maybe even without mechanical shutter.
That would be amazing. Presumably no mechanical shutter and a sensor shield would be possible. I hope they are wrong about the FPS.
it looks like the a9ii is still using sd cards. a high raw fps is going to burn through buffer very fast, and take a long time to write out.

even if they upgrade it to cfe-a like the a1, the cfe-a card is still half as fast as cfe-b so writing out the buffer is still a bit of a weak spot. there is the new cfe v4 standard, maybe it'll adopt that.

otoh, the fact the a9ii uses sd and the a1 uses cfe-a means it's possible they are purposefully keeping a distinction there. 🤷‍♂️

but in general the faster fps will really burn through the buffer if they don't get faster storage and that could be a reason to limit fps

ALSO, there is the issue of compressing raw images fast enough. i recall the a1 didn't let you do lossless compressed at the higher framerate, only the lossy ones, and the reason is likely they didn't have the processing horsepower to do full lossless faste enough to keep up with the data stream.
The frame rate limitation on film cameras was always related to film transport. The limitation on modern DSLR & ML is the rate data can be processed. I guess we’ll just have settle for a lousy 20 - 30 fps until the next technology breakthrough......
40 fps raw at 12 bit is pretty amazing. Those 2 bits don't do anything if the iso is above, what? 400?
Yes, but as you pointed out earlier, you already have in the Z9 20 fps 14 bit at 45mp and the A1 has it at 50mp and 30 fps lossy. So at 24mp for this new camera , there is not really any advancement in that regard. But there will be more to it than that, if it really is global shutter it is a big deal IMO. There will be interesting advantages beyond fps, but it is interesting where the fps limit exists, perhaps sensor reset time? I dunno, I am very much looking forward to the official announcement. The technology will eventually flow through to us poor Nikon schmucks. :)
it looks like the a9ii is still using sd cards. a high raw fps is going to burn through buffer very fast, and take a long time to write out.

even if they upgrade it to cfe-a like the a1, the cfe-a card is still half as fast as cfe-b so writing out the buffer is still a bit of a weak spot. there is the new cfe v4 standard, maybe it'll adopt that.

otoh, the fact the a9ii uses sd and the a1 uses cfe-a means it's possible they are purposefully keeping a distinction there. 🤷‍♂️

but in general the faster fps will really burn through the buffer if they don't get faster storage and that could be a reason to limit fps

ALSO, there is the issue of compressing raw images fast enough. i recall the a1 didn't let you do lossless compressed at the higher framerate, only the lossy ones, and the reason is likely they didn't have the processing horsepower to do full lossless faste enough to keep up with the data stream.
A9 or A9 Ii for that matter are very old cameras. They were built when there was just XQD or SD on the market. CF-a should be plenty fast for 24 mpx (I wish they went for 33 tho) even at 60 fps. Sony unlike Nikon has deep buffers. Which strategy is smarter - hard to tell. Sony guarantees buffer size while with Nikon it depends on your card choice but you can get almost infinite one ... both solutions are vialable imho.
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As much as I applaud Sony's breakthrough on a global shutter, I think it's awesome, I can't deny the fact that none of the 6 primarily stills-focused cameras released since the A1 are a particularly good fit for wildlife (A74, A7R5, A7c2, A7cR, A6700, A9iii) - they are all great cameras in their own right and for their target segment but clearly that target is not wildlife photography.
It looks to me that Sony has strategically left that segment to Nikon - and Nikon is hitting it out of the park there.

Thankfully the A1 still has the second best bird AF after 3 years, and that's without even trying to release a firmware update (yes that's tongue in cheek) - and my skills haven't caught up to the camera yet, so I'm cool waiting until the A1mk2. In all honesty though, I would have much preferred the rumored 40MP stacked sensor with improved DR than a 24MP anything, even with global shutter. But that's just me.
I was saying for a while and its no surprise that Sony will be out with next level advanced technology for faster cameras with more processing power.
It will also set the industry road map again.

The Global shutter path has been on the menu for a while, i cant recall but Canon was dancing to this tune as well, interesting to see what the R1 brings to the table.

Nikon rushing out with the Z8 was a good idea to close the door for potential loss of customers to New technology being it Sony or Canon.

To me glass is the most important and interesting area.

Light fast, sharp, versatile is number one on my score sheet.

The list is now getting much longer for Nikon to work through.....again, we need to wait, which is fine for many but not all.

Not everyone needs the full features of the A9III in fact not even the features of a Z9 or R3, it all depends on what your doing.

I am happy with 12-20 fps, i would like 60-80 mp, something the size and weight of a Z7II, A1, A9III, above all my attraction is to light sharp compact glass, F2.8 or F4..............

The A9III is an amazing package and we will see its features and some come in the A1 II..........i am certain.

Combining the A9III with the new 300 2.8 is cornering the sports action area nicely, although Canon has the 100-300 F2.8 making it interesting.

Interesting times

Only an opinion