Great Horned Owl bringing lunch for babies

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My wife and I considered ourselves honored and privileged to have witnessed this scene of a mama great horned owl bringing a garter snake home for her babies. (well this could have been papa, but not 100% sure). Sometimes, as wildlife and nature photographers, we get to be witness to scenes that are both touching in their representation of the "circle of life" and heartwarming in the care creatures take for their young, Yes, some creature had to die so other creatures could live. Nature is neither cruel nor kind, nature just "is" and that is why I love nature so much. In a world so dreadfully marred by the imperfection of man, it is heartwarming to see the perfection of nature.

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Very cool when things like that happen. Congrats.
Thanks. It happened so fast, I honestly don't remember pressing the shutter button. In about 3 seconds, she had landed, dropped off the snake and flew off. Yes, it is cool when things like this happen. I do feel honored to have shared it with this beautiful owl and having had my wife standing there with me. Sometimes the only thing left to do is smile and be thankful.
My wife and I considered ourselves honored and privileged to have witnessed this scene of a mama great horned owl bringing a garter snake home for her babies. (well this could have been papa, but not 100% sure). Sometimes, as wildlife and nature photographers, we get to be witness to scenes that are both touching in their representation of the "circle of life" and heartwarming in the care creatures take for their young, Yes, some creature had to die so other creatures could live. Nature is neither cruel nor kind, nature just "is" and that is why I love nature so much. In a world so dreadfully marred by the imperfection of man, it is heartwarming to see the perfection of nature.

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Awesome photos Jeff! Well done👍👍👍
I don't think it could be said any better, Jeff. And truly wonderful photos! What a treat for you and your wife to witness.
Thank you. One reason I love to be out in nature and capture scenes in my camera is that hatred, cruelty, all other forms of evil are human constructs, none of that exists out there. It's just the daily struggle for life, to eat or be eaten to flower, and seed and pass on to the next generation. There is such a sense of purity when I'm out in the field with camera that I, for a few hours a day, get to forget about all the horrible things that happen in the world.
Great series. Wonder if they split the snake.
We stayed there for about 20 minutes and from what I saw the one was not terribly interested in sharing. But when we first walked up, it looked like the other one was dining on something left over in the nest. Both were about equal size but the one was for sure more dominant. We did't stick around too long to let them have some privacy.