Green Crab Spider at Lunch

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Seems like these guys show up in my yard in some years.
They are not large as you can tell from the size of the fly.
I enjoy shooting Macro, and find these guys challenging. for depth of field and lighting.
Comments welcome.
Green Crab Spider.jpg
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Thanks. Shot in manual mode, D-500, 105 Micro 2.8 lens, at F/10.0, 1/250.
Manual SB-800 flash -0.7 EV, bounced from off camera. in daylight.
Single shot, no stacking (though someday I might like to try that).
I think I may have had the camera on a focusing rail, but do not recall for sure.
Biggest trick was setting up 2 light stands and a tripod without scaring this guy off.
Hope you had a great turkey day.
Very nice image, love it! 😍 Long time since one was in our garden.:sick:
Since you ask for comments, here is is something I find that may improve the appearance o fa macro image like this one: No critique intended.
I often shoot up to -2,7 EV, yeah, it sounds crazy, but it works on small critters with plenty highlights like damselflies, butterflies and other insects.
Darkening your BG will pop the spider if it is selectively lighter.
Rotating the view so that the subjects are slightly more diagonal across the frame will create strong triangles in this image.
Slightly tune down the very bright highlights on the head.
Just a tad of selective sharpening on the eyes and abdomen of the spider.
As said, not intended to sound like a know-all, would never suggest unless asked.
Very nice image, love it! 😍 Long time since one was in our garden.:sick:
Since you ask for comments, here is is something I find that may improve the appearance o fa macro image like this one: No critique intended.
I often shoot up to -2,7 EV, yeah, it sounds crazy, but it works on small critters with plenty highlights like damselflies, butterflies and other insects.
Darkening your BG will pop the spider if it is selectively lighter.
Rotating the view so that the subjects are slightly more diagonal across the frame will create strong triangles in this image.
Slightly tune down the very bright highlights on the head.
Just a tad of selective sharpening on the eyes and abdomen of the spider.
As said, not intended to sound like a know-all, would never suggest unless asked.
Thanks, Callie, I may try darkening the corners a bit. I often vignette lightly, but do not recall if I did here; it does not look like I did.
While I do use exp comp quite often, it can be challenging to get it and flash comp'n right at the same time, and I generally find it easier to darken parts of an image than to brighten., and I wanted to have the colors in the body of the fly which required a bit more light to maintain.
Thanks again for the comments. I may try them and repost. How is the summer in SA?
Thanks, Callie, I may try darkening the corners a bit. I often vignette lightly, but do not recall if I did here; it does not look like I did.
While I do use exp comp quite often, it can be challenging to get it and flash comp'n right at the same time, and I generally find it easier to darken parts of an image than to brighten., and I wanted to have the colors in the body of the fly which required a bit more light to maintain.
Thanks again for the comments. I may try them and repost. How is the summer in SA?
Hi Guido
Not as hot as December, it was bad! better now, we get rain, which is a blessing.
Just as for light - have you use a mirror, stainless steel plate or even reflector for light? I use an LED torch on top of the tripod foot to get light when I shoot at night, but it also lights up an image. I used to have the 105 micro, actually three of them over different time periods, but now I only use the tele lenses.
You can do all your darkening and lighting using curves and masks., if you have not tried it. Check out Piximperfect on Youtube, he really knows PS - that is, if you want to give it a try.