Green Sea Turtles

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Green Sea Turtles crusing off Scotts Beach on St Johns USVI. I think we saw 15-20 that afternoon as we snorkeled in the warm clear waters. Image taken with wide angle wet lens on Canon PS in Ikelite housing, no lighting needed other natural sunlight filtering through the water.

Hardest part was just holding breath and combating natural buoyancy .

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Gorgeous shots! Turtles are great fun to dive/swim with. Sometimes they move slow and let you get the shots, then they change their mind and disappear in a couple of quick fin flips.
Gorgeous shots! Turtles are great fun to dive/swim with. Sometimes they move slow and let you get the shots, then they change their mind and disappear in a couple of quick fin flips.
Thanks JAS...These pretty much just swam slowly until you got within a foot or two, then it was two quick flipper strokes and the're 15 ft away. They spent much of the time just munchin on the grasses below.
Green Sea Turtles crusing off Scotts Beach on St Johns USVI. I think we saw 15-20 that afternoon as we snorkeled in the warm clear waters. Image taken with wide angle wet lens on Canon PS in Ikelite housing, no lighting needed other natural sunlight filtering through the water.

Hardest part was just holding breath and combating natural buoyancy .

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I like this underwater turtle shots with brilliant colours and the fine image quality.
Beautiful images. I love them both but really like the second one with the dappled light across the shell and sea floor. Great job!

Thanks DRwyoming... Probably 60ft off the beach in 10-15 ft of water. 1st was about 4 in the afternoon while the 2nd had more direct sun as it was around noon.

Just such nice images, must be wonderful to see!

Thanks Callie..Snorkeling has become one of our favorite pastimes. We use to go on vacations to the mountains to snow ski, but now all our vacations are planned around the tropics, with ability to snorkel one of the primary concerns. 1st time seeing Turtles was on our trip to St Johns. Saw my 1st within 5 minutes getting in the water.

I like this underwater turtle shots with brilliant colours and the fine image quality.

Thanks Manglo...with bright sunlight the little Canon S90 does very well. Shoot was in raw, iso 100 1/125 at f8. 7.5mm or 35mm equivalent.

wonderful shots!!!

Thank you Gordon...had lots of fun watching and getting the images and then looking back and the memories. Hopefully Cannel Bay will recover from the Hurricanes number of years ago.
Nice captures. A great way to expand on photography - though it does get expensive to go underwater with gear. Love capturing turtles. They make great slo-mo video subjects too.
As if 2020 did not suck enough I would be diving in Aruba for the 18th straight year this coming week. The island is hurting.
Fabulous shots with brilliant colours. Superb....

Yezdi Thank you. Shot raw so Adjust WB to bring back warmth and little bit of magenta to tone down greens in the water.

Just awesome!! Tricky too while snorkeling.

Thanks Steve, it is a little tricky as you have to keep up with the subject with a 35mm fov, hold breadth, buoyancy issues (need weight belt or lose a little of that natural bounancy). Camera settings stayed pretty much the same as long as the sun was out. Iso 100, f8 @ 1/125th.

Nice captures. A great way to expand on photography - though it does get expensive to go underwater with gear. Love capturing turtles. They make great slo-mo video subjects too.
As if 2020 did not suck enough I would be diving in Aruba for the 18th straight year this coming week. The island is hurting.

Thanks ProperFrame, our last trip was Aruba, rather than stay at Palm Beach we stayed down at Bucuti & Tara resort on Eagle Beach. We snorkeled at a couple places, Baby Beach, Arashi and one just south east of the airport. In my case entry into Underwater photography was’t too bad. Ikelite housing for the S90 about $275 and wide angle wet Len about $350. No lights or trays needed as just shooting natural light when snorkeling. Hope they rebound as really itching to get back to the islands.

Those are awesome!

thank you Kathy, glad you enjoyed them.