Grey Butcherbird

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David Berry

🇦🇺 Australia 🦘
Just clearing my throat …

Grey Butcherbird : Cracticus torquatus
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Grey Butcherbird : Cracticus torquatus
Queensland, Australia

Although Grey Butcherbirds are renowned for their boisterous singing, this young bird was simply clearing its throat (crop?), an understandable activity for a species with an insatiable appetite for skinks and beetles.

From Wikipedia:
All members of the territorial group contribute to the territorial song, a loud and rollicking song with both musical and harsh elements. The song can be sung by only one member, but more often it is sung in duet or as a group. Some duets are antiphonal where it is not obvious that two or more birds are singing.
Most songs are sung with more than one phase and are sung antiphonally. These songs consist of different group members singing different phases sequentially, but sometimes there is some overlap. Songs have been known to last up to 15 minutes. During this time, there is no vocal interaction with groups from other territories.
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