Hawk perched

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Supporting Member
I realize the tail is cut off but there was no other way to get the shot. Taken with a Nikon z7 500mm pf iso560 f/8 1/1000th
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To me, the image has a slight slight blue cast to it. I would be very tempted to try and reduce/eliminate that maybe with levels in editing. I think it might make the bird's head stand out a little better. I think it's a really good shot. The perspective has a lot of appeal to me.
To me, the image has a slight slight blue cast to it. I would be very tempted to try and reduce/eliminate that maybe with levels in editing. I think it might make the bird's head stand out a little better. I think it's a really good shot. The perspective has a lot of appeal to me.
Yeah I probably should’ve tried to correct the sky a little better but it was a very bizarre sky that morning not sure exactly what was going on. I took it back into Lightroom and messed with the white balance and a few other things and change the picture I think it looks a little better now.
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