Head & Shoulders - Share your Bird Portraits.

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BCG-Common Kestrel 80.jpg
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BCG-(Eurasian) Bittern 44.jpg
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You Lookin At Me?

BCG-Red Grouse 65.jpg
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Wow, don't need the saturation slider for that guy. Did you use on camera flash?
Pretty sure no flash. Captured in 2016 so capture too old to rely on my memory - but metadata shows flash did not fire. Used a Fujifilm X-T1 w. XF100-400mm @204mm f/6.4 1/125 ISO 400 from up close in a pop-up blind. It appears like there's a small catch-light in the eye but unsure why.
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Fire finch. Only processing was slight tweak to contrast and shadow with the crop, other than that its as is out of the camera. First run out of my D850 that arrived last week., also first time using the 200-500 with 1.4 TC on the D850.
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