Helicon FB Tube on a Nikon D500: Here is the answer. See the image using the 300mm PF and the tube.

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Depending on the target, You may not get everything in focus. I do the same with my flash (high-speed sync) and get the benefits of the flash and the large depth of field.

But If I wanted to get the entire dragonfly, wings and their perch all in focus, I would have to focus stack. (like in the above Dragonfly)
@Andrew Lamberson - I'm about to pull the trigger on the Helicon Tube + software. Their website says 4-7 business days (US only)...but then the warning at the top of the page warns of delays due to covid. About how long did yours take to arrive?
I paid for the DHL express (I think it was $40!) and it was here in less than a week.

one thing I finally figured out is that for the "recommended step" use a small value for macro. 20 or less. Otherwise, you will only need a couple/three shots to cover the distance of the critter, which seems to work ok but I felt I wanted smaller steps for better detail and overlap. Time will tell!

I set my 300 PF for 18
200-500 zoom for 7 (I am almost always shooting it in 500)
And the recommended setting for the 150 Macro was 80.

I'm not saying what I set for the 300 and 200-500 are "correct"...yet!

Don't forget to program it in Liveview!

Camera in manual and lens in AF (so the motor will step the lens). I'm getting pretty good at manual focusing! I focus on what I think is the closest point and then back it off slightly so it is focusing in front of that point, and I shoot until I see the focus go past the "farthest" point I want. I get SIGNIFICANTLY better results using a tripod, and I prefer using a remote trigger (I have a cheap hard-wired one that works great!)

Otherwise, some of my bugs get extra legs in the focus stacking software!

Here is an example of where I got all of the Monarch Butterfly in focus AND the flower it was sitting on, with the 200-500 at 500mm, on a tripod with a remote trigger. That would not have happened without the tube!
Monarch Butterfly-9394.jpg
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Thanks for the reply, Andrew, and for the programming/focusing tips. Based on your experience and advice, my order has been placed!

And that's a stellar monarch image! Very nicely done, and I'm sure you're right that it couldn't have been done without the tube.
First attempts at focus stacking using the Helicon FB Tube and and Helicon Focus software.
Starting to get used to it, and I am starting to like what it can do.(y)

All images taken with the Sigma 180mm f2.8 macro.

First a handheld of a Grevillia - Nikon D810, f14, 1/60th ISO 64

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Bee on Lavender - Nikon D500, f5.6, 1/2500 sec, ISO 250,

Bee on lavender.jpeg
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St Andrews Cross Orb Spider - Nikon D500, f8, 1/1600, ISO 2000, Tripod

St Andrews Cross Orb Spider.jpeg
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That was one of several stacks on a day with a little to much wind. Several of the other stacks had to much movement, but this one was of 40 images and the wind stayed calm. It was my last attempt before packing it in because of the gusty conditions. The tripod although, difficult to set up low to the ground, really made it possible, along with the FB Tube doing the automatic stepping and allowing the high speed burst shutter rate.