Hooded Robin

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Lance B

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Another new to me bird and one that has not been sighted in the Sydney region for over 25 years, hence why I have not got a photo of one until now. This is a Hooded Robin and fairly unusual even in the areas that it does inhabit. Lots of photos over two days as I was most excited in getting another Australian Robin to my gallery as well as a Jacky Winter which is also of the Robin family but not named a Robin. The name Jacky Winter is a mystery.

1) Hooded Robin

Z9 + Z 600 f4 TC, 1/1250s f/5.6 at 840.0mm iso720


2) Hooded Robin

Z9 + Z 600 f4 TC, 1/1250s f/5.6 at 840.0mm iso720


3) Hooded Robin

Z9 + Z 600 f4 TC, 1/1000s f/5.6 at 840.0mm iso1100


4) Hooded Robin

Z9 + Z 600 f4 TC, 1/1000s f/5.6 at 840.0mm iso1000


5) Jacky Winter. Not named a Robin, but is in the family of Australian Robins.

Z9 + Z 600 f4 TC, 1/1000s f/5.6 at 840.0mm iso400
