Hooded Robin

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Hi Lance! I am just along the coast from the Otway National Park in the town of Ocean Grove. I have been a volunteer in the Country Fire Authority for 20 years and you would be wise to wait a while for cooler weather. The west of the state is dangerously dry at the moment and we recently lost an area in the Grampians vastly bigger than the LA fires. I'll put my contact details below so if you have a bucket list of species you would like to chase, e-mail it to me and I will put the word out. I have recently got back into birding and have just confirmed that my permit to the Ramsar Western Treatment Plant is up to date. The time you speak of should have some of our migrant waders developing their breeding plumage ready for their migration north. You will need to visit with someone who has an access key or book with an approved tour group. I would be happy to take you in a few times if you have the time. Pink Robins can be tricky to find but they have turned up in the botanic gardens in the middle of Geelong. My contact details are: Neil Hickman; e-mail: [email protected]; mob 0418 556 606

The Bellarine Peninsula is surrounded by wetlands and also close to forested areas like the Otway and Brisbane Ranges. I would be happy if any viewers of this forum contact me if you intend heading this way. Just don't all come at once!
Hi Neil. Thank you very much for your offer. If I end up deciding to come down your way, I will definitely look you up. I will put your details in my phone and send you a text so as you have my details.

Part of the reason for going before February's end was because the Pink Robins seem to move away somewhere - unless you know where to find the male Pink Robins in full splendor!

Thanks again!
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Another new to me bird and one that has not been sighted in the Sydney region for over 25 years, hence why I have not got a photo of one until now. This is a Hooded Robin and fairly unusual even in the areas that it does inhabit. Lots of photos over two days as I was most excited in getting another Australian Robin to my gallery as well as a Jacky Winter which is also of the Robin family but not named a Robin. The name Jacky Winter is a mystery.

1) Hooded Robin

Z9 + Z 600 f4 TC, 1/1250s f/5.6 at 840.0mm iso720


2) Hooded Robin

Z9 + Z 600 f4 TC, 1/1250s f/5.6 at 840.0mm iso720


3) Hooded Robin

Z9 + Z 600 f4 TC, 1/1000s f/5.6 at 840.0mm iso1100


4) Hooded Robin

Z9 + Z 600 f4 TC, 1/1000s f/5.6 at 840.0mm iso1000


5) Jacky Winter. Not named a Robin, but is in the family of Australian Robins.

Z9 + Z 600 f4 TC, 1/1000s f/5.6 at 840.0mm iso400

Nice captures, Lance! thanks for sharing.
Have never seen before either Lance, beautifully documented. (y)

Not far from your place?
Thank you very much, Marc. Much appreciated!

It's about a 100minute drive from my house, the very north-western outskirts of Sydney, whereas I am in the southern suburbs of Sydney.
OK, thanks, Yes we used to be close neighbors without realising it,....... remember, before we moved to Switzerland. ;)
Yes, I remember the discussion and that we lived close to each other, but I can't remember where you actually lived. My mind is like a sieve these days - age is not good! LOL.
I hear you! :ROFLMAO:

We used to live in Connells Pt.
Ha!! Of course, it is all coming back to me! LOL. Gees, we were only a stone's throw away, me being in Morshead Drive, South Hurstville! However, we moved from there when I was 16 to Gymea Bay 47 years ago. As they say, it's a small world!
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