Hooded Warbler

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So I finally managed to get out to a local county park to get some shots of these guys. I found them within 5 mins of arrival as I know their calls/songs and that they come back to the same patch of forest every year. That was the easy part lol. I was hoping for one of them to land on a mossy perch, but I came back with this peek through the foliage.

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So I finally managed to get out to a local county park to get some shots of these guys. I found them within 5 mins of arrival as I know their calls/songs and that they come back to the same patch of forest every year. That was the easy part lol. I was hoping for one of them to land on a mossy perch, but I came back with this peek through the foliage.

View attachment 89831
Very cool looking bird. Well done 👍👍👍