How to search for photos

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I just downloaded a trial copy of Excire. How did you find the program? I use Photoshop for editing and only use Lightroom for a catalog and for cataloging LR is not as good as I would like given current technology. I also would like to try Excire for culling/rating. Are you still using Excire? Thanks
I did not purchase the program. I tried the trial and then did not purchase. I did not spend enough time to really see how it would work. Instead, I downloaded another program, "Everything". It is a free (donation only) program. It is not a cull or label program. It merely searches and, for my purposes, does a great job. I use Photo Mechanic for culling and I should use it for labeling/keywording, but alas, I only use the culling feature. I name my processed shots with species, location and processing mode, so that is how I search for them with Everything.
I did not purchase the program. I tried the trial and then did not purchase. I did not spend enough time to really see how it would work. Instead, I downloaded another program, "Everything". It is a free (donation only) program. It is not a cull or label program. It merely searches and, for my purposes, does a great job. I use Photo Mechanic for culling and I should use it for labeling/keywording, but alas, I only use the culling feature. I name my processed shots with species, location and processing mode, so that is how I search for them with Everything.
Thanks for the reply. Excire took overnight to catalog all y images. While it looked promising I found it was to fuzzy for wildlife - for example eveything was a bird. I looked for fox and it found them along with dogs and a couple of other animals. I do a lot of insect photography - a seach of hornet brought up some hornets but also other insects. My guess is that in another few years this will progress enough where it will work for wildlife. The only plus feqature of Excire I found was the find duplicate which brought up many similar images along with a ratings scale - a nice feature but not enough for me to make Excire a part of my photography software for now. The database seems much better than Lightroom's which probably has not seen improvement in over a decade. I currently use FastRawViewer for culling. My guess is that for people and places photography it may be a real plus. For example it can search by face - input a face and all matches pop up.
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I really haven't played much with Excire. My initial thought was it was too early in development to be much use to me then, but I wanted to experiment further when I had time. I'm still interested in its AI keyword possibilities, but time.....! :) I use photo mechanic for my initial culls.
I really haven't played much with Excire. My initial thought was it was too early in development to be much use to me then, but I wanted to experiment further when I had time. I'm still interested in its AI keyword possibilities, but time.....! :) I use photo mechanic for my initial culls.
That's what I found Sandy - I sense it ight be good for landscape and people photographers. For wildlife it just is not refined enough yet. It was worth a day trying it out.
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