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I never get tired of capturing hummingbird images and judging by the number of beautiful hummer images posted here it seems a lot of others do as well. How about we start a thread for sharing hummingbird shots, maybe with some talk about how you go about it, what you do to find or attract the birds and what you did on the camera side of things? Seems like we could all learn from one another, share our experiences and not have to jump between many separate threads to see what folks are up to regarding these lightning fast little beauties.

I'll kick it off with an image I captured this morning. From late spring through fall we have Broad Tailed hummingbirds here daily, I'm pretty sure one pair nests in some dense Lilac bushes in the side yard. We've got feeders up on three sides of the house since the males tend to defend their favorite feeder and chase away the other birds but they can't see all three feeders from one place. We also occasionally get Rufous hummingbirds which is always a nice change of pace. This morning while making breakfast I noticed this immature Broadtail perched in the crab apple tree right outside the kitchen window. He'd fly away but kept returning to the same perch so I opened up the windows and grabbed my camera and captured many images including this one of him stretching his wings.

Nikon D5, Nikon 500mm f/5.6 @ f/5.6 1/2000s ISO 2200 Handheld
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So what other hummer shots are folks capturing and how do you go about it?

Great image Phil, that's a beautiful bird, the colors in the head and gorget are fantastic!

Were you just out and about near Vegas or staying someplace that had feeders out? I get down to Vegas and Red Rocks from time to time and I'd love to capture one of those.
Great image Phil, that's a beautiful bird, the colors in the head and gorget are fantastic!

Were you just out and about near Vegas or staying someplace that had feeders out? I get down to Vegas and Red Rocks from time to time and I'd love to capture one of those.

Thanks Dave. Next time you visit, make a point to stop by the Henderson "Bird Viewing Preserve". You won't be disappointed. Wifey & encountered several dozen "lifers" in just 2 days there. It was excellent.

Another sample.

Z50, 500PF + 1.4x TCIII, 700mm, 1/2000, F9, ISO 1250
Phil McKinney, on Flickr
Another Beauty Phil. I love the curve of the body and the overall scene.

I'll definitely check out the bird viewing preserve. Thanks for the tip.
Great idea for a thread, thank you. I am in south Louisiana. For a couple of years in a row , we had a Rufus Hummingbird show up for the winter. You can image my delight to see him for the very first time. To think he migrated from the West Coast to Louisiana is amazing to me. Haven't seen him in a couple of years now :(

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Anna’s hummingbirds are year round residents in our yard. We don’t feed them, or any wildlife, but we have lots of plants that they like. I make sure I bring my D500 with 200-500 with me any time I go outside to sit and read the paper. When I hear one come close, I put down the iPad and pick up the camera.
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Rufous tail, Puerto jimenez, Costa Rica D850 1/1600 f/7.1, iso1100, 450mm (200-500 f/5.6)
NM Small_NM D850_3169_20190719_DxO-Edit_.jpg
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Rufous tail, Puerto jimenez, Costa Rica D850 1/2000 f/5.6, iso6400, 480mm (200-500 f/5.6)
NM Small_NM D850_750_20190722-2_DxO-Edit_.jpg
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Ruby throated hummingbird, Ontario canada D850 1/2000 f/5.6, iso 4000, 700mm
NM Small_NM_NIKON D850_070_20200525-Edit-Edit_.jpg
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Rufous tail, Puerto jimenez, Costa Rica D850 1/500 f/5.6, iso2200, 480mm (200-500 f/5.6)
NM Small_NM D850_1129_20190722-2_DxO-Edit_.jpg
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