Hybrid ?

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Using a focal length multiplier with a hybrid camera, the solution? Example a 150-600 mm (6.3) with a TC, it focuses in relation to a reflex. I am told yes but is it true?
It's not clear what you're trying to say or ask here.

If you're asking whether the concept of focal length multipliers apply to mirrorless or other hybrid camera's (e.g. micro 4/3) then yes with the standard caveats. The lens focal length is an optical property so technically speaking a 150-600mm lens remains a 150-600mm lens. But the field of view changes with different sensor sizes relative to a full frame 35mm sensor (36x24mm) and that results in an effective focal length change. So for instance a 150-600mm lens on a camera with an APS-C (1.5x crop factor) sensor behaves from a field of view standpoint like a 225-900mm lens. That really is true whether you shoot with a camera that has a smaller sensor (e.g. APS-C or micro 4/3) or if you shoot with a full frame sensor and crop the image to the the smaller size in post processing.

Maybe that response misses the point as I admit I don't really understand your question the way it was phrased.