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Well-known member
I'm sure many of you have considered the benefits and potential negatives regarding LASIK and photography. The procedure was done today, so I'll update this thread as things improve. It was actually SMILE, not LASIK technically. I'm 42 years old, was near-sighted and had a rating of like 20/200ish for reference.
I'm sure many of you have considered the benefits and potential negatives regarding LASIK and photography. The procedure was done today, so I'll update this thread as things improve. It was actually SMILE, not LASIK technically. I'm 42 years old, was near-sighted and had a rating of like 20/200ish for reference.
Congrats! I wish I could do it!
I'm sure many of you have considered the benefits and potential negatives regarding LASIK and photography. The procedure was done today, so I'll update this thread as things improve. It was actually SMILE, not LASIK technically. I'm 42 years old, was near-sighted and had a rating of like 20/200ish for reference.

Nice. I have astigmatism in one eye from a young age. My cornea is too thin apparently to get LASIK done. So, glasses it is.
I got lasik back in 2003. It may have saved my life (and almost for sure saved my eyesight). Afterwards my vision was so clear I could see that there were actual blank spots in it. Small areas where I saw nothing.

It turned I had a tumor on my pituitary gland (benign, they almost always are) that was pressing against my optic nerve and had broken through into one of my sinuses. There was no guarantee that removing the tumor would bring back the vision to those blank spots but it did!
I'm sure many of you have considered the benefits and potential negatives regarding LASIK and photography. The procedure was done today, so I'll update this thread as things improve. It was actually SMILE, not LASIK technically. I'm 42 years old, was near-sighted and had a rating of like 20/200ish for reference.
I need/hope to have cataract lens replacement this winter
Congrats! I'm 39 and have been nearsighted since my teens and wear glasses when I shoot, but the idea of anything touching, let alone any kind of surgery on my eyeballs freaks me out. I won't even put contacts in. Maybe one day I'll reconsider. Looking forward to the updates.
You will LOVE the results! The world becomes sharp again. :)
Hope so. initial appt is this Sat. Will discuss which lens will work for me. Right now distance vision is fairly good (though degraded), but need +3 readers. Could get a multi focus replace lens. Will see what the Dr says. I have a lot of trust in her.
Hope so. initial appt is this Sat. Will discuss which lens will work for me. Right now distance vision is fairly good (though degraded), but need +3 readers. Could get a multi focus replace lens. Will see what the Dr says. I have a lot of trust in her.
I chose distance replacement lenses for both eyes. I have other issues (mysthenia gravis) that would likely have made two different lenses difficult to work with. So, my distance vision is good but I need one pair of close-upreaders and another pair for the slightly longer computer readers.
What really got to me was seeing colors better. The new lenses got rid of the yellow tint that was affecting my views and the added clarity has been great,
One side effect is the increasing preference for EVF so I cann see the image clearly hrough the eyepiece on my Z6. Still use the D850 but am looking at the Z9 for the EVF.
Keep that in mind.
By the way, my readers are +2.5 and the computer glasses are +1.75. Anything farther away than the car dashboard does not need correction.
I chose distance replacement lenses for both eyes. I have other issues (mysthenia gravis) that would likely have made two different lenses difficult to work with. So, my distance vision is good but I need one pair of close-upreaders and another pair for the slightly longer computer readers.
What really got to me was seeing colors better. The new lenses got rid of the yellow tint that was affecting my views and the added clarity has been great,
One side effect is the increasing preference for EVF so I cann see the image clearly hrough the eyepiece on my Z6. Still use the D850 but am looking at the Z9 for the EVF.
Keep that in mind.
By the way, my readers are +2.5 and the computer glasses are +1.75. Anything farther away than the car dashboard does not need correction.
For TV, 8-10 feet, I use 1.5 or 1.75. For car dash I use my +3. Not sure if the cataracts effect reading distance. Briefly discussed have eyes done with different lenses. Since I don't have contacts, I was told no way. Too risk that i could not make it work.
Hope so. initial appt is this Sat. Will discuss which lens will work for me. Right now distance vision is fairly good (though degraded), but need +3 readers. Could get a multi focus replace lens. Will see what the Dr says. I have a lot of trust in her.
Glad you've got a good Doc. Mine was unpleasant, but did a good job on lenses which is the important thing. I got distant lens, figuring I could compensate with readers from drug store, except I have astigmatism so I need prescription for working with photos on computer.
I need/hope to have cataract lens replacement this winter
After wearing glasses for 30 years I had cataract - lens replacement - surgery on both eyes 7 years ago at 67 years of age. I have perfect vision without glasses and have only a very minor optic adjustment on the Nikon Z evf. Just do it, best thing I ever did. However I must add that the cost did fund my optometrist's new Lamboghini
I'm now beginning day 3 post LASIK (actual procedure was SMILE). Vision was rated at 20/15 the day after the procedure HOWEVER, everything looks like a glamour shot. Pinpoint lights are severely haloed and my close vision is still very wonky. All of those side effects are normal and can last 3-6 months. Even though I passed a 20/15 test, it's still not very useful vision.I looked through my cameras viewfinder for the first time without glasses yesterday and I have to say it was fantastic.

EDIT: Both of my eyes were corrected for distance, I didn't do mono-vision. Mono is where one eye is corrected for distance while the other is for close vision.
After wearing glasses for 30 years I had cataract - lens replacement - surgery on both eyes 7 years ago at 67 years of age. I have perfect vision without glasses and have only a very minor optic adjustment on the Nikon Z evf. Just do it, best thing I ever did. However I must add that the cost did fund my optometrist's new Lamboghini
I am expecting that the upcharge on better lens will not be cheap. DOn't know yet but suspect it will be close or exceed the price of pro-level camera. Worth it (luckily I can afford it) for better site.

Did you get multi focal lens?
I'm now beginning day 3 post LASIK (actual procedure was SMILE). Vision was rated at 20/15 the day after the procedure HOWEVER, everything looks like a glamour shot. Pinpoint lights are severely haloed and my close vision is still very wonky. All of those side effects are normal and can last 3-6 months. Even though I passed a 20/15 test, it's still not very useful vision.I looked through my cameras viewfinder for the first time without glasses yesterday and I have to say it was fantastic.

EDIT: Both of my eyes were corrected for distance, I didn't do mono-vision. Mono is where one eye is corrected for distance while the other is for close vision.
WOuld not ever ever ever consider different lens for each eye. Once or twice a lens has popped out of a reader and did I get a headache really quickly.
My wife had it years ago when it wasn't as common as today. She had no problems. A decade later she has to wear reading glasses for close stuff but her distance vision is still great.

I'm too much of a coward and kind of "freak out" about my eyes. I had an injury about 30 years ago when a bunch of fiberglass fragments got into my eyes from an accident with a saw blade (should have been wearing safety glasses I know). Ever since then having anything done with my eyes brings back bad memories. I can't even wear contacts.

Looking forward to good reports from you!
I'm sure many of you have considered the benefits and potential negatives regarding LASIK and photography. The procedure was done today, so I'll update this thread as things improve. It was actually SMILE, not LASIK technically. I'm 42 years old, was near-sighted and had a rating of like 20/200ish for reference.
Couldn’t read the Big E on an eye chart without glasses 22 years ago before having LASIK surgery. Have had 20/15 to 20/20 since. Do wear 1.5 readers for reading. It’s great!
I was really shortsighted….-8.5 in my right eye….then I got a detached retina. The repair was a success but I would get a cataract as a result. I did. The new lens is AMAZING. When the bandage came off, I cried. First time in my life I could see the leaves on the trees outside without spectacles or contact lenses.
if you can get clear lens replcement, just do it. Tne op was about 30 minutes in total, but the first 10-15 was the anaesthetic. You feel nothing.
now I wear a contact lens in my left eye. Nothing needed for the right one.