I'm out of here . . . too much spam

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As others said, hover over the username, click ignore, refresh page. Done and dusted. The past couple days I've only had to do that to one username at a time. The first time it happened a number of weeks ago there were four or five names to do that to but that took all of 30s and the forum was clear until this more recent spam.

It is such a simple solution that I don't see the point of complaining and leaving the forum over it. I'm sure Steve is trying to tackle it as fast as he can but again the solution is literally 5s when it is just one or two new ones when I wake up in the morning.
I'm surprised by some of the snarky comments. Nick is a pretty nice guy. And in fairness this is one of the few forums that lacks moderators and sometimes these spam events last for some time before corrected. But the thread was a benefit anyhow as I learned about the ignore feature.
There were two snarky comments, right? I did not mean mine to be snarky, definitely. I think that Nick departed suddenly over what most of us see as an annoyance but not a major issue might be taken by some as an affront, i.e., the positives just weren't enough for him. Maybe he'll change his mind.
I'm surprised by some of the snarky comments. Nick is a pretty nice guy. And in fairness this is one of the few forums that lacks moderators and sometimes these spam events last for some time before corrected. But the thread was a benefit anyhow as I learned about the ignore feature.
I have never seen dramatic exit threads being warmly accepted by group members on any forum. lol
Steve has already addressed the issue so in reality he should already be back.
When I was trying to get off social media altogether, I asked Steve to delete my original account but I couldn't stay away from here so I came back also.
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It seems just stupid - and I don't say this to be "snarky" - to post about leaving a forum. Why? If you cared enough to see what people thought of you, then you weren't really meaning yo leave, so why post? And if you did leave, you wouldn't see the response, It just seems pretty childish to me.
Participation in forums and how people respond to what you say can be strange and unpredictable. I used to participate in DPreview. I think overall I seldom made waves. Then some months ago during the pre-release ballyhoo regarding the Z9, Nikon maven Thom Hogan made some remarks that seemed critical of the camera and of Nikon. Some of the responses in the forum were to my mind, of the pearl-clutching, "Oh, NO!" type, near hysteria. I made what I thought was a simple remark that maybe people should not take every word Thom Hogan says so seriously. The moderator messaged me that my remark would be removed because "it is condescending towards people who admire Thom." I replied that "authorities" in photography pretty much have to get used to people criticizing them; look at the abuse people heap towards say, Ken Rockwell and the Northrups. Next thing I knew I was not only expelled but EXPUNGED from DPreview. Yep, any of the posts I made in those forums before my expulsion now are listed as coming from "Forum User." Whoa.
Participation in forums and how people respond to what you say can be strange and unpredictable. I used to participate in DPreview. I think overall I seldom made waves. Then some months ago during the pre-release ballyhoo regarding the Z9, Nikon maven Thom Hogan made some remarks that seemed critical of the camera and of Nikon. Some of the responses in the forum were to my mind, of the pearl-clutching, "Oh, NO!" type, near hysteria. I made what I thought was a simple remark that maybe people should not take every word Thom Hogan says so seriously. The moderator messaged me that my remark would be removed because "it is condescending towards people who admire Thom." I replied that "authorities" in photography pretty much have to get used to people criticizing them; look at the abuse people heap towards say, Ken Rockwell and the Northrups. Next thing I knew I was not only expelled but EXPUNGED from DPreview. Yep, any of the posts I made in those forums before my expulsion now are listed as coming from "Forum User." Whoa.
another rebel! (y)
See? This is a post that could be taken as delivered with good humor or as judgmental/dismissive. I prefer to think it's the former, but overall, I suppose it doesn't matter, does it?

Had I seen your reply I would announce I was trying to make a funny.
Spam? what spam? In the past couple weeks I got my libido back, got rid of a very annoying ghost that stole my mojo, made super profitable investments in Uganda, helped a niberian prince in need who will pay me back with massive interests, and scored some cheap ecstasy. I am just glad you guys don’t jump on those awesome deals any faster so I get them mostly to myself.

Participation in forums and how people respond to what you say can be strange and unpredictable. I used to participate in DPreview. I think overall I seldom made waves. Then some months ago during the pre-release ballyhoo regarding the Z9, Nikon maven Thom Hogan made some remarks that seemed critical of the camera and of Nikon. Some of the responses in the forum were to my mind, of the pearl-clutching, "Oh, NO!" type, near hysteria. I made what I thought was a simple remark that maybe people should not take every word Thom Hogan says so seriously. The moderator messaged me that my remark would be removed because "it is condescending towards people who admire Thom." I replied that "authorities" in photography pretty much have to get used to people criticizing them; look at the abuse people heap towards say, Ken Rockwell and the Northrups. Next thing I knew I was not only expelled but EXPUNGED from DPreview. Yep, any of the posts I made in those forums before my expulsion now are listed as coming from "Forum User." Whoa.
That is just bizarre. Though maybe not in today's cancel culture.

It's ironic that texting has become a mainstream form of communication. Face to face communication relies so much on facial expression as a feedback mechanism as to if/how a spoken message is received. And with verbal communication inflection/tone of voice carries so much meaning. All of that is absent with textual communication. Plus we all bring baggage with us on definition of words and even worse in how we "read between the lines".

For example the OP that started this whole discussion. I viewed it as a casual comment. Yes a statement of displeasure with the recent bout of spam, but a simple statement. Others seem to have viewed it as the textual equivalent of someone storming out of the room and slamming the door. Different perspectives reading the same words. Much less likely to have such differing opinions if we could actually see the person exit the room or hear his tone of voice before hanging up the phone.

For my part I apologize to anyone who took offense at my use of the term "snarky". We all have different definitions and mine wasn't intended to be offensive.
That is just bizarre. Though maybe not in today's cancel culture.

It's ironic that texting has become a mainstream form of communication. Face to face communication relies so much on facial expression as a feedback mechanism as to if/how a spoken message is received. And with verbal communication inflection/tone of voice carries so much meaning. All of that is absent with textual communication. Plus we all bring baggage with us on definition of words and even worse in how we "read between the lines".

For example the OP that started this whole discussion. I viewed it as a casual comment. Yes a statement of displeasure with the recent bout of spam, but a simple statement. Others seem to have viewed it as the textual equivalent of someone storming out of the room and slamming the door. Different perspectives reading the same words. Much less likely to have such differing opinions if we could actually see the person exit the room or hear his tone of voice before hanging up the phone.

For my part I apologize to anyone who took offense at my use of the term "snarky". We all have different definitions and mine wasn't intended to be offensive.

Yes, absolutely, truths. Sorry to keep prolonging this thread, actually :oops:

But the issue of how "humor" is conveyed in online discourse has plagued forums and discussion threads for many years now. People sometimes use emojis , e.g., :) or ;) to be sure that something meant to be humorous is not misconstrued. (especially if the humor is of the deadpan type). Sarcasm doesn't convey well at all in these contexts.

I will say nothing more (I looked for the "applause" emoji but did not find it).
I think you have just come face to face with "wokeness" on DPreview! Really sad to see this happening there. ☹

This comes close to getting us into politics, which I would rather avoid, but my feeling was/is that this moderator is a personal friend of Thom Hogan and he read my comment as a lot more harsh than it was meant to be (another unfortunate thing that can happen with online communication).
I think you have just come face to face with "wokeness" on DPreview! Really sad to see this happening there. ☹

I really like that the rules of this forum say absolutely no politics. It's a nice oasis compared to some of the other photo forums where anything goes.
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