Images suddenly disappeared from threads!

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OK, I figured out the shadow box thing - it's not the cache, it's the enlargement size. The shadowbox is only an option if the image is being presented smaller than it really is due to the size of the browser window. Go back to the post, reissue your browser window so it's narrower than the images, then refresh the page. You'll see you can click them again.

I think that's probably by design.

What I'm concerned about it any residual lagginess - after the server update and cheese purges, things seem OK now.
Is it consistent across any particular pages? Since updating the server to PHP 8 an hour ago, the board seems faster to me and I haven't had a single issue with lag.
I just did a quick check and it does seem to be working now. I did not have a single hang after looking at about a dozen posts. Fingers crossed.

Unfortunately still seeing an occasional hang. Sorry.

That is odd for sure. Maybe try emptying your browser cache or maybe a different browser. It's tough to pin things down when they happen randomly and not everyone is seeing the same thing.
Another thing that comes to mind is that sometimes there are disruptions between the server and the user. I wonder if that might be playing a part. It would be interesting to try it with both a different device on your current connection and maybe with a different connection (like a phone hot spot) with your current device.
Another thing that comes to mind is that sometimes there are disruptions between the server and the user. I wonder if that might be playing a part. It would be interesting to try it with both a different device on your current connection and maybe with a different connection (like a phone hot spot) with your current device.
Thanks Steve. I tried the forum on my Mac, Sonoma 14.1 and had no hangs. I then searched the internet with issues with Monterey 12.7.1 (MacBook pro) and found quite a few hits with hangs and/or other app failures after installing. One person fixed the problem by resetting the router. I reset my router and have had no hangs since.
Still have my fingers crossed. Apparently an issue with Apple 12.7.1, maybe an attempt to force MacBook upgrades? Thanks for you help and suggestions. Joe
No issues with anything disappearing for me on windows or my android phone (chrome and firefox tested on both).

I did have some issues with the server showing not available, but that's not happened since changes were made.
No issues with anything disappearing for me on windows or my android phone (chrome and firefox tested on both).

I did have some issues with the server showing not available, but that's not happened since changes were made.
LOL, that may have been when I was trying to push it to PHP version 8.1. The software isn't compatible yet, as it turn out LOL!
Is it still locking? I updated the server about an hour ago to PHP 8 and it seems faster and more responsive.

I think the writing thing is something with Safari. I see it on other text input boxes as well on other sites.

Not sure on the third item, let me know if you see it again. It might be a cache thing - it tired to load, didn't fully, and now is stuck in your cache (or Cloud Flare's cache).
Works fine on my ipad as well. Only had a single issue a couple days ago but it cleared up quicarly.
Images are now appearing but taking a long time to do so. Running Mac Sonoma latest version on Safari
Thanks - I'll keep an eye on it but there doesn't seem to be any other reports of it. They are loading fine for me.

If anyone else is seeing it, let me know.