Interesting opinion piece in Canon rumors - what is slowing down new products

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What people fail to appreciate is that the camera and lenses division is the smallest generator of profits for Canon. Most of their money is from commercial printers and copiers. Canon has deep pockets but also more divisions seeking their share.
What people fail to appreciate is that the camera and lenses division is the smallest generator of profits for Canon. Most of their money is from commercial printers and copiers. Canon has deep pockets but also more divisions seeking their share.

Not true.

Canon doesn't report segment profits. From sales perspective it is the second largest division, after printing, accounting for a significant 20% of overall revenue, and it's growing twice as fast as printing (which is 56% of sales). Imaging is very much a financial pilar for Canon (unlike Sony). By comparison, Nikon's imaging business is about 34% of revenue, so not that far off.
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What people fail to appreciate is that the camera and lenses division is the smallest generator of profits for Canon. Most of their money is from commercial printers and copiers. Canon has deep pockets but also more divisions seeking their share.

I'm wondering how you know this?
There is a lot of conjecture in the opinion piece. They do make clear that it is an opinion, to their credit. Quote : While it sounds plausible and realistic, we don't have actual confirmation from Canon, Sony, Nikon or others. We just have heard there is some “shortage”.
Profits are hard to tell, Cabon doesn't publich profits per segment. One can draw conclusions so: margins in for their medical business are presumably quite high, as are those for printing, so yes, I'd assume those two are more profitable than imaging. Also interesting, the 2023 statements focus a lot on medical and printing, cameras and lenses are nore of a side note (imaging talks more about networked cameras and such). So yes, I agree that the majority of budget might go to non-camera businesses. Which doesn't mean camera R&D is cash stripped. I also only read the 2023 statements very quickly.