Jaguar - Pantanal

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Just back from the Pantnal....83 species of birds, half dozen mammals, and so on, but wanted to process this one before the big mega-cull. This one was a definite combination of true grit, determination, and dumb luck. The cat was buried deep in a tree, with lots of dead branching hanging down from the outer drip line of the tree. Near impossible to get any shot. In the intense Brazilian heat of mid day, with other boats competing to get close. Then even if you got a spot in between tons of vertical outer branches, there were all the criss cross branches, some moving in the breeze...not to mention getting the cat to look my way. In the end after a half hour, my boat driver while nudging forward....I saw a very small opening in the outer brush. Hanging over the bow of the boat at my waste, eye level with the kitty, boat engine jerking forward and backward to keep me held in the current, I got the opening, and every time the twig blew out of the way I shot, holding heaving R5 and battery pack with a 100-500 lens over the open water. Kitty turned her head for a few poses and I got it. Have one where she is looking directly at me, but with the up and down motion of the boat the composition and framing were not as nice as this one. So this is my keeper.
Jaguar - Panthera once.jpg
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Outstanding image, Mark! Well done! I've seen you when you are determined to stay with the subject in spite of difficulties. Your determination certainly paid off with this shot!
Just back from the Pantnal....83 species of birds, half dozen mammals, and so on, but wanted to process this one before the big mega-cull. This one was a definite combination of true grit, determination, and dumb luck. The cat was buried deep in a tree, with lots of dead branching hanging down from the outer drip line of the tree. Near impossible to get any shot. In the intense Brazilian heat of mid day, with other boats competing to get close. Then even if you got a spot in between tons of vertical outer branches, there were all the criss cross branches, some moving in the breeze...not to mention getting the cat to look my way. In the end after a half hour, my boat driver while nudging forward....I saw a very small opening in the outer brush. Hanging over the bow of the boat at my waste, eye level with the kitty, boat engine jerking forward and backward to keep me held in the current, I got the opening, and every time the twig blew out of the way I shot, holding heaving R5 and battery pack with a 100-500 lens over the open water. Kitty turned her head for a few poses and I got it. Have one where she is looking directly at me, but with the up and down motion of the boat the composition and framing were not as nice as this one. So this is my keeper.
View attachment 67334
I think this one is great. Better than most I have seen shot from boats in the Pantanal. The "spotlight" effect on the face and head sets it off.