Junco in the Maple

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I'm new here and mainly experimenting to see how things work and to make sure I know what I'm doing. However, you can still critique this.
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Welcome, nice photo of the junco! I'm a relatively new member too, and consider myself a student of a lot of the work I see here. I like how the bird is looking along the line of the changing leaf color and that the leaf next to the bird is in focus. It draws the viewer in.
Welcome and a lovely bird and photo.
I see you shot at 302 mm - which means you could zoom in more still - BUT - I would stand back further, and then zoom in to get this same frame as above. What that would achieve, is a more level plane, and it wont look like you are shooting up to the bird so much, but that you were more level with it. Total different perspective.
Obviously provided you were able to get further back.
I hope to see you post more.