Just got a call my Z8 will arrive at the Camera this week

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It is a good thing to support your local camera store. I have done so for many years and it has paid off with the ability to get what I need closeby and get hands on when looking at a purchase! Good luck with the new camera!
Got the call from my local store at 9:30am today. They received two Z8’s, and apparently a lot of phone calls today from interested parties. I quickly picked it up, and am looking forward to sitting down and setting it up.
My delivery email from Nikon showed a delivery date of Monday 5/29. Much to my surprise, my Z8 arrived yesterday 5/26! 🥳👏🏻

Very happy I picked up Steve's Z8/Z9 setup guide, there's a LOT of advanced features in the Z8 that I'm not used to (even coming from a Z6II). I think my starting point will be to set it up as close as possible to my Z6II, and then modify as I get a better understanding of unfamiliar features (AF and everything else).

I've got a few late nights coming up in setup land this weekend 🥱😆
value free post 🤣


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