Landscape photography/ go to lens ?

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Starting out you won't go wrong with a 16-35 f4 lens. It won't be long before you'll want to try filters to get dreamy skies and seas not to mention waterfall / river effects. So consider what types of filters you will need down the track. Have a look at screw-ons vs special attachments (like NiSi) . Some highly recommended landscape lenses require VERY expensive attachments and huge glass filters.

I believe both those Sony's will have focus-shift shooting built in. New to landscapes - you will soon be having a crack at that as well. Happy shooting!
I understand Nikon all ready has this, The Z7 includes a feature known as “focus shift” (stands for focus stacking), previously found only on the Nikon D850. With focus shift enabled, the Z7 will take a series of photos focused at different distances, starting from front to back. ?