Less than perfect appearance

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We are usually amazed at the colors and beauty of the birds we see in the tropics. Different than most of our birds here in the USA and Canada, few tropic birds molt into "non breeding season" colors. These tropical birds are colorful and beautiful year round. Every once in while though we run into a bird that is less than perfect in its appearance. This is one of those birds. This is a Black-tailed Trogon from Panama. This bird spent about 20 minutes with his head stuck in a termite nest, presumably feasting on termites. If you look closely at his beak there are still termites stuck there. When he pulled his head out, this was the result. Not sure what he is going to do about this (remember-he has no hands). Certainly he is still colorful, but not as picturesque as he might be.
Deb took this shot with a Canon R7, 100-500 mm lens at 300 mm. Shot at 1/800, f/5.6, ISO 3200, EC +0.3. Processed in PS with BG brought down and bird brought up as the entire picture was underexposed about 2/3 stop.
Black-tailed Trogon Canopy Camp Deb.jpg
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It's actually nice to see a bird that's messy because of its natural behavior. Everyone likes a "perfect" shot, but reality is nice, too. :)
Crazy good shot! Congrats to Deb! If this were a human it would be a 2 year old eating pumpkin pie with their fingers… 😂