Let's see your panoramas

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Estes Park Sunrise
220123 Longs Devil Creek PANO 2784-2800 MERGEFLAT ON1280 ON1200.jpg
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Great shot. I have similar views of Spraague Lake minus the moose. What modeling fee did the moose charge you for this shot?
HaHa, Joe. This was shortly after sunrise on a cloudy morning. While the lake was still enough to get the reflection, she just sauntered her way across. Subsequently she came back with two young at the far end of the lake and the wind had picked up.
Some excellent images being posted in this thread. Thanks everyone for posting.

People always talk about keeper rates for BIF photos but my keeper rate for landscape shots is bad. Of course not for technical reasons but because I struggle to capture scenes as I recall seeing them. I envy those of you who can do so consistently.

Here's another vertical shot. This one is a single frame cropped to 2x1 format. Just a little unnamed creek in the Chugach Mountains above our home in Anchorage that is fed by snow melt. Every year I want to re-visit this spot. But there's a narrow window between it being covered in snow and drying up and I've never been back at the right time.

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Some excellent images being posted in this thread. Thanks everyone for posting.

People always talk about keeper rates for BIF photos but my keeper rate for landscape shots is bad. Of course not for technical reasons but because I struggle to capture scenes as I recall seeing them. I envy those of you who can do so consistently.

Here's another vertical shot. This one is a single frame cropped to 2x1 format. Just a little unnamed creek in the Chugach Mountains above our home in Anchorage that is fed by snow melt. Every year I want to re-visit this spot. But there's a narrow window between it being covered in snow and drying up and I've never been back at the right time.

View attachment 35017
That is a stunning photo - I generally am not a fan of the vertical format, especially 3:2, but your 2:1 crop works very well!
I wholeheartedly agree with your comments about the difficulties with landscape photography. I'd add one more - I often have great difficulty in getting a 'clean' composition and find that sometimes there is just too much clutter in the final image for lightroom (or Affinity) to remove successfully.
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I like to put some wildlife photos into this format as it gives me a chance to cut out the distractions
Sydney Panorama from atop the south pylon, looking north through to east and then south east.

Sydney Panorama from atop the south pylon again, looking east through to south.

Kata Tjuta or The Olgas, Central Australia. This photo is hanging on my loungeroom wall, about 2mts wide and looks spectacular. :giggle:

Grose Valley, Blue Mountains just west of Sydney. Called the Grand Canyon of Australia.

Sydney from Cremorne point on the north side of the harbour looking south.

London Bridge along the Great Ocean Road - one of the great road trips of the world.

Queenstown, New Zealand. One of the most beautiful places.
Sydney Panorama from atop the south pylon, looking north through to east and then south east.

Sydney Panorama from atop the south pylon again, looking east through to south.

Kata Tjuta or The Olgas, Central Australia. This photo is hanging on my loungeroom wall, about 2mts wide and looks spectacular. :giggle:

Grose Valley, Blue Mountains just west of Sydney. Called the Grand Canyon of Australia.

Sydney from Cremorne point on the north side of the harbour looking south.

London Bridge along the Great Ocean Road - one of the great road trips of the world.

Queenstown, New Zealand. One of the most beautiful places.
Excellent set Lance. Been to all of those places but the Outback. You did justice to every one.
Niagara and Horseshoe Falls on the US- Canada border. Quite spectaular even for a tourist trap.
Single shot, cropped to 2x1. Nikon D600 with 590nm conversion by Lifepixel, Nikkor 24-120 lens, 1/50sec, F11, ISO 100, Processed in LrC and Nik Suite (Color Efex and Silver Efex).

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