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From a recent trip to British Columbia. Days were rainy with heavy overcast skies.............. All shot with Z8 + 400 f4.5 + 1.4 tele.............



ISO 16,000 ! Did I mention it was raining and overcast? :cry:

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From a recent trip to British Columbia. Days were rainy with heavy overcast skies.............. All shot with Z8 + 400 f4.5 + 1.4 tele.............



ISO 16,000 ! Did I mention it was raining and overcast? :cry:

Awesome set Karen! Beautiful. All great but really love that second one.
Sweet set indeed.
Thank you!
Wow, Karen. These are excellent. I love the low angles you managed to capture.
Thanks, Dan! The 40°'s weather and heavy rains were a challenge due to low light conditions.
These are delightful. Where in BC did you go?
Glad you liked them!
Beautiful, definitely a bucket list bird!(y)(y)(y)
I've wanted to photograph loons for many, many years. Finally made it happen!
Beautiful images, great set Karen!
Thanks, Ira! Appreciate the comments.
Beautiful images! Were they taken from a boat or from the shore?
Thanks, Matt!
Awesome set Karen! Beautiful. All great but really love that second one.
Thanks, Ralph!
Excellent photos of an iconic bird -- ya done good (y)
Appreciate the encouragement!
Great shots! I'd love to get some loon action like that one day.
Ah.....shucks! Thanks, Steve.
Phenomenal, Karen! Really hard to pick a favorite. And like Steve, I'd love to get some loon shots like this.
Appreciate the comments, Mike.
Beautiful shots!!! The chicks have grown...
Thank you! It was not easy due to the temps and 3 days of rain!
Beautiful images, sweet interaction! 😻 🤩 I would love to be able to see them too, live!
My goal was to get some interaction with the parents and chicks. Saw a lot of it, but often the position of the adult or chick made a photo impossible! They both needed to be in the same focus plane.....that only happened a few times..... at least for me.

FWIW - my complete Loon gallery is HERE.......better resolution than the images posted here
Thank you! It was not easy due to the temps and 3 days of rain!

My goal was to get some interaction with the parents and chicks. Saw a lot of it, but often the position of the adult or chick made a photo impossible! They both needed to be in the same focus plane.....that only happened a few times..... at least for me.

FWIW - my complete Loon gallery is HERE.......better resolution than the images posted HERE
Karen, splendid gallery, TFS! I think the kid riding the Rickshaw cart with only its head showing above the wings is priceless.