LRC vs NX Studio

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I realize this is a pretty open ended, general question, but I'm considering dumping the LRC subscription for the free NX Studio especially since I shoot Nikon. I'm not familiar at all with NX Studio so I don't know what it can do compared to LRC. Has anyone done a comparison of the two and what have you found or does anyone have experience with both and have an opinion of which has more capability?
From a purely editing perspective I found NX studio to produce the most accurate colors, C1 was a close second and LR was third. From an archive management perspective, LR is the best for me, NX Studio is a bit of a joke, and I could never get a good workflow with C1 for DAM.

My world lives and dies in a DAM, and I’m not into having multiple solutions in a workflow unless there’s a really compelling reason.

I stuck with LR, but recently got a copy of C1 for a couple of tethered studio shoots.

Everyone’s needs are a bit different. Also consider which solution will net the most help when you have a question.
Since it is free you should try it out and see if it meets your needs. I suspect you will find it is an excellent global editor, but if you need more advanced features like advanced denoise, selective editing involving masks, or point color, gradients, and so on, you would not be happy with nx studio alone. Then there is Lightroom's advanced organizing and library tools. Then the fact that the photography plan gives you photoshop. Which I couldn't do without. But maybe you never use photoshop, don't need much of an organizer, and want to do mostly global edits, then nxstudio would be fine.

If you hate subscriptions then dxo photolab does everything the lightroom develop module does, in some cases better than lightroom. It can be a complete freestanding replacement for lightroom if you don't need lightrooms organizer and didn't need photoshop.

Another option would be Photoshop Elements with the 3rd party elements+ plug-in. It is similar to lightroom and photoshop combined into one package.
NX Studio is based on older versions of SilkyPix. Nikon adds their SDK and a few extras to it. So any reviews of SilkyPix will generally be relevant. I think you could easily do whatever you need with it but the interface is a little nonstandard.