macOS 13.4 not able to tether using NX Tether or LRC

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Supporting Member
Is anyone else struggling to tether their z-mount bodies using NX Studio/NX Tether and/or Lightroom Classic since macOS Venutra updated to 13.4

All software LRC/NX S/ NX T and ACR are the very latest version and ALL are running in Rosetta.

No issues importing images from the camera with any software. Nikon Transfer 2 works fine.

I have YET another call with Adobe Support later today AND have spent some time this morning with Nikon Support. Adober's STOCK Answer is to roll back to an earlier version of LRC - AND I will not do this AGAIN -- which means I keep hitting this issue with Adobe and Apple macOS -- they just get out of alignment AND the software (Adobe/Nikon) seems to have to be updated t fix the issue -- whatever it is.

Of course NONE of the support articles or forum help.

Cameras tried Z6ii, Z9, Z9, Z8, Z8 - NX Tether just sits with a RED circle and ! mark and simply hangs.

All software was freshly uninstalled and reinstalled AGAIN .




LRC just sits on detecting camera.


Cameras that connect and tethers with Capture One 23 -- ALL OF THEM I have.

System information identifies each camera as being connected to a USB-C hub and obviously since images can be downloaded it is. ALL camera settings are exactly as required. So are all computer settings.

I just finished a long call with adobe support in the USA - who will come back to me.

Both the z9 and Z6ii would connect and allow images to be imported but LRC would not tether - I used 2 different tether tools usb-c cables and connected directly into a T4 PORT with a brand new apple t4 cable. The results are all the same.

HOWEVER — BOTH LRC AND NXT/S WORKS FOR TETHERING ON MY 16” M2 MBP —- BUT ONLY ON THE FRONT T4 PORT. Some thing in my Mac Studio ultra is preventing it from working — perhaps it is the T4 ports, the 8 raid /NAS drives and several other peripherals.
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I just finished a long call with adobe support in the USA - who will come back to me.

Both the z9 and Z6ii would connect and allow images to be imported but LRC would not tether - I used 2 different tether tools usb-c cables and connected directly into a T4 PORT with a brand new apple t4 cable. The results are all the same.

Just ordered a couple of Area51 cables to see if that would help with the instability. Hoping Adobe fixes it on their end quickly.

Just finished a tethered session. Slowed by it, but completed.
Sometimes one or more of my MBP ports die, temporarily, and require a PRAM (Parameter Ram) reset. In my case, it affects any peripheral device, plus charging. My MBP and I are currently on opposite sides of the Atlantic, so unable to test most recent OS.