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No, I did not focus stack this one. It was hand held. I just moved back and forward until I saw the focus peaking where I wanted it.
The irony of using the computerized gear we have available today is that so many people, thanks to the internet, automatically assume that if an image is properly composed and expertly exposed that the photographer must have used an AI algorithm instead of putting in the time and effort to learn to use their gear.

No offense to anyone, I have an odd sense of humor about photography. The logic of buying a $2,500 fast prime and post processing out the great bokeh that we buy them for is pretty funny but very understandable if one hasn't ever handled great glass like you used for this image.

Your pride and dedication to the art is obvious in your work and discredits a lot of myths about the limitations of shooting fast lenses. Nobody has to guess if you have put in the time learning to use you gear properly once they witness the quality of your images. Great composition and outstanding exposure, Jerry.

As a side note, if you enjoy the 50mm f/1.2 S and don't already have a copy, look for a nice used AF-S 105mm f/1.4E and attach it to your Z bodies. It maybe the best prime I have ever shot. I am sure that in your hands the results will simply shine. As a side note, the Z 105mm MC is great but the F 105mm is an entirely different tool and they both do different jobs great. The 105 1.4 F shares equal time with the Z 50 1.2 S as my most used and favorite primes on the entire Z line of bodies from the Z fc to the Z9. They are seriously that good. And of course, the 105 E is perfect on any DSLR body.

Looking forward to seeing more of what you do. Keep them coming.
The irony of using the computerized gear we have available today is that so many people, thanks to the internet, automatically assume that if an image is properly composed and expertly exposed that the photographer must have used an AI algorithm instead of putting in the time and effort to learn to use their gear.

No offense to anyone, I have an odd sense of humor about photography. The logic of buying a $2,500 fast prime and post processing out the great bokeh that we buy them for is pretty funny but very understandable if one hasn't ever handled great glass like you used for this image.

Your pride and dedication to the art is obvious in your work and discredits a lot of myths about the limitations of shooting fast lenses. Nobody has to guess if you have put in the time learning to use you gear properly once they witness the quality of your images. Great composition and outstanding exposure, Jerry.

As a side note, if you enjoy the 50mm f/1.2 S and don't already have a copy, look for a nice used AF-S 105mm f/1.4E and attach it to your Z bodies. It maybe the best prime I have ever shot. I am sure that in your hands the results will simply shine. As a side note, the Z 105mm MC is great but the F 105mm is an entirely different tool and they both do different jobs great. The 105 1.4 F shares equal time with the Z 50 1.2 S as my most used and favorite primes on the entire Z line of bodies from the Z fc to the Z9. They are seriously that good. And of course, the 105 E is perfect on any DSLR body.

Looking forward to seeing more of what you do. Keep them coming.
Thank you very much Bob! I just purchased the Nikon Z MC 105mm f/2.8 S and looking forward to using it in Costa Rica with small wildlife.