Magnetic filters (CPL and ND)

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Ado Wolf

Well-known member
I tried the search function but for some reason it kept giving me an error..

Can anyone recommend a good set of Filters (CPL and 6 Stop ND), that are magnetic, that can be easily placed on and of? I am tired of having difficulties unscrewing my set of filters when they jam!

thanks in advance.
I've had good luck with Kase filters (the new Revolution ones, though the older gen Wolverine are good as well). Optically they seem excellent. The only downside is Nikon's caps don't fit as securely on Kase filters as they do on a bare lens or one with a screw-in B&W filter. But you can solve that with a magnetic cap, which I've done and like, so it works as a system. One caveat - the magnetic cap is hard to get off if you have a hood on the lens - I pop the hood off if the cap or filter needs to come on or off, but if that's not acceptable for you, consider this before purchasing.

You can buy Kase magnetic filters and systems at Hudson Henry's site for 10% off (if you order 3 items in the basket) and free shipping if $60 or more purchase. He'll also directly answer any of your questions by email if you need advice on sizes, types, etc. for your specific use case. Very responsive. He of course makes a commission on the sale, but it's cheaper than buying elsewhere and Hudson offers his support. I have no horse in the race, just sharing my favorable experience.
I've had good luck with Kase filters (the new Revolution ones, though the older gen Wolverine are good as well). Optically they seem excellent. The only downside is Nikon's caps don't fit as securely on Kase filters as they do on a bare lens or one with a screw-in B&W filter. But you can solve that with a magnetic cap, which I've done and like, so it works as a system. One caveat - the magnetic cap is hard to get off if you have a hood on the lens - I pop the hood off if the cap or filter needs to come on or off, but if that's not acceptable for you, consider this before purchasing.

You can buy Kase magnetic filters and systems at Hudson Henry's site for 10% off (if you order 3 items in the basket) and free shipping if $60 or more purchase. He'll also directly answer any of your questions by email if you need advice on sizes, types, etc. for your specific use case. Very responsive. He of course makes a commission on the sale, but it's cheaper than buying elsewhere and Hudson offers his support. I have no horse in the race, just sharing my favorable experience.
Same here - I have the older Wolverine ones, but they've held up marvelously and Hudson's support has been great.
Here are some threads I found using the Search feature:

@Carmel Nikon thank you for your feedback. I did come across Kase filters when I was surfing the net. So I am glad you had good experience with them. They are also reasonable pricy. I am a believer of not putting cheap glas in front of expenses lenses. I would have liked to support Hudson Henry.. but I lve in Swityerland, so it is easier to buy it locally, specially because of local warranty cases.

@MartyD thank you for the tip on the adapter. This may solve my problem, since I really like the CPL and ND filters I have now, and will extend their use (I support using equipment till they fail or break)

@AlanDB thank you for seconding the Kase filters.

@Butlerkid that's great, thank you. May I ask what you typed in the Search menu to get those results. I tried searching for "magnetic" & "filters" and "magnetic filters".. but always got the same error. Maybe the search function doesn't work too well on the iPad?

@Darrellhar thank you for the tip on Raven filters. May I ask why wouldn't you go for Kase again?
@Carmel Nikon thank you for your feedback. I did come across Kase filters when I was surfing the net. So I am glad you had good experience with them. They are also reasonable pricy. I am a believer of not putting cheap glas in front of expenses lenses. I would have liked to support Hudson Henry.. but I lve in Swityerland, so it is easier to buy it locally, specially because of local warranty cases.

@MartyD thank you for the tip on the adapter. This may solve my problem, since I really like the CPL and ND filters I have now, and will extend their use (I support using equipment till they fail or break)

@AlanDB thank you for seconding the Kase filters.

@Butlerkid that's great, thank you. May I ask what you typed in the Search menu to get those results. I tried searching for "magnetic" & "filters" and "magnetic filters".. but always got the same error. Maybe the search function doesn't work too well on the iPad?

@Darrellhar thank you for the tip on Raven filters. May I ask why wouldn't you go for Kase again?
I entered - magnetic, filter and separately - Kase, filter
@Darrellhar thank you for the tip on Raven filters. May I ask why wouldn't you go for Kase again?
One quick clarification, I think he means Maven

I also went the Kase route (the newer Revolution ones), because I didn't know Maven existed. Had I, I may of gone Maven because I like the advances Maven is making. They have a lot of different offerings vs what Kase has. Their new Linear Pol for instance. (if you are mirrorless, stacking a LPL and a CPL will make a variable ND filter) Maybe Kase will start to offer some of these, not sure.
One quick clarification, I think he means Maven

I also went the Kase route (the newer Revolution ones), because I didn't know Maven existed. Had I, I may of gone Maven because I like the advances Maven is making. They have a lot of different offerings vs what Kase has. Their new Linear Pol for instance. (if you are mirrorless, stacking a LPL and a CPL will make a variable ND filter) Maybe Kase will start to offer some of these, not sure.
Ha ha yes Madone is correct I was referring to Maven Filters and not Raven. I think the Kase Revolution fixed one of the issues of the Wolverine versions and that was the strength of the magnets. I also agree with Madone about Maven's innovation with their filters. Little things do make a difference in my mind. From the new filter ideas to the logic behind the color coding and notching of filters to the magnet strength. Don't get me wrong I have no major issues with my Kase filters and I use them all the time with no issues what so ever. I got a good deal on them at the time as well (20% off at the time) and purchased complete set. I don't think you could go wrong with either Kase or Maven. Just for me if I had to do it all over again I would go with Maven.
I’ve had Kase filters for about 8 months and very happy with them. The main advantage for me is ease of use compared to my previous set of NISI rectangular filters. In the less common situation when I might try a grad, I still carry the NISI set
Ha ha yes Madone is correct I was referring to Maven Filters and not Raven. I think the Kase Revolution fixed one of the issues of the Wolverine versions and that was the strength of the magnets. I also agree with Madone about Maven's innovation with their filters. Little things do make a difference in my mind. From the new filter ideas to the logic behind the color coding and notching of filters to the magnet strength. Don't get me wrong I have no major issues with my Kase filters and I use them all the time with no issues what so ever. I got a good deal on them at the time as well (20% off at the time) and purchased complete set. I don't think you could go wrong with either Kase or Maven. Just for me if I had to do it all over again I would go with Maven.

So I thought I would post a short update. The draw was too big and I really needed/wanted a magnetic Variable ND that was compatible with what I have. I ordered two of the Maven linear polarizers (I am 100% mirrorless now, so I don't need CPL's anymore)

My Kase backstory is I have the Kase Revolutions in 95mm. I have case Kase magnet adapter rings for my lenses. I settled on going with 95mm because I wanted to be able to stack multiples on the Z14-30. Plus the largest lens I have is 95mm on my 180-600. I won't use filters much with that, but I have the option.

So are the Maven's compatible with the Kase Revolutions system. Here are my findings:
  • The Maven Filters WILL fit the Kase magnetic adapters
  • The Maven Filters WILL fit the Kase Front cap
  • The Maven's WILL NOT fit the Kase Revolution Rear Cap
  • The Maven filter CANNOT be stacked onto a Revolution filter (just slightly to large to fit perfect, they will stick in a pinch BUT I would not walk around with them attached)
  • The Maven Front Cap or FC 2.0 DO NOT fit well enough to be used on a Revolution filter
  • The Maven Front Cap's (both Org and 2.0) will work on the Kase Magnetic adapter BUT it is not 100% perfect, but good enough for my uses. (It's just off by a little, less than if tying to stack a Maven on a Rev)
Basically I am thinking the Maven vs Kase Revolutions kind of act like Kase Wolverines vs Revolutions as Hudson mentioned in one of his videos. So, I suspect (but cannot verify) that if you have Kase Wolvorines, they will be even more compatible.

Overall, I am very happy with this purchase and their compatibility. Is it perfect, no, but I do not forsee it being a problem. I wanted something that was compatible with my current system without having to buy all new magnetic adapters. I now have the ability to have a 5 stop variable ND with the 2 Maven Linear Pol's. I also got their Dark CPL in 3 & 6 ND with those I have a variable 3-8 and a 6-11 which will cover all my needs.

I think I got all the permutations...let me know if there is something else you want me to try.
So I thought I would post a short update. The draw was too big and I really needed/wanted a magnetic Variable ND that was compatible with what I have. I ordered two of the Maven linear polarizers (I am 100% mirrorless now, so I don't need CPL's anymore)

My Kase backstory is I have the Kase Revolutions in 95mm. I have case Kase magnet adapter rings for my lenses. I settled on going with 95mm because I wanted to be able to stack multiples on the Z14-30. Plus the largest lens I have is 95mm on my 180-600. I won't use filters much with that, but I have the option.

So are the Maven's compatible with the Kase Revolutions system. Here are my findings:
  • The Maven Filters WILL fit the Kase magnetic adapters
  • The Maven Filters WILL fit the Kase Front cap
  • The Maven's WILL NOT fit the Kase Revolution Rear Cap
  • The Maven filter CANNOT be stacked onto a Revolution filter (just slightly to large to fit perfect, they will stick in a pinch BUT I would not walk around with them attached)
  • The Maven Front Cap or FC 2.0 DO NOT fit well enough to be used on a Revolution filter
  • The Maven Front Cap's (both Org and 2.0) will work on the Kase Magnetic adapter BUT it is not 100% perfect, but good enough for my uses. (It's just off by a little, less than if tying to stack a Maven on a Rev)
Basically I am thinking the Maven vs Kase Revolutions kind of act like Kase Wolverines vs Revolutions as Hudson mentioned in one of his videos. So, I suspect (but cannot verify) that if you have Kase Wolvorines, they will be even more compatible.

Overall, I am very happy with this purchase and their compatibility. Is it perfect, no, but I do not forsee it being a problem. I wanted something that was compatible with my current system without having to buy all new magnetic adapters. I now have the ability to have a 5 stop variable ND with the 2 Maven Linear Pol's. I also got their Dark CPL in 3 & 6 ND with those I have a variable 3-8 and a 6-11 which will cover all my needs.

I think I got all the permutations...let me know if there is something else you want me to try.
Why are linear polarizers better than circular polarizers for mirrorless cameras or lenses?
Color cast can be an issue on both DSLRs and Mirrorless cameras.

The video above is a nice advertisement, but did not address whether or not both CPL and linear polarizers are acceptable on mirrorless cameras.

What is the technical reason linear polarizers are better than CPLs on mirrorless cameras?
There are some other videos you can seek out. Did you watch the video, he clearly goes over the differences. Its not why linear polarizers are better as much as, its that mirrorless ALLOWS the use of them whereas DSLRs needed CPL due to the autofocus systems. Both CPL and linear polarizers are acceptable on mirrorless cameras, but linears are not acceptable as the main type of polarization on D/SLRs

Now, having the ability to use a linear, Maven's in this case, has virtually no color cast, and it unlocks the ability to create a variable ND with little to no color cast.
I ended up purchasing the K&F 2 in 1 CPL and variable ND filter.. this solved my problem, as I only have to screw on 1 filter.. no jamming anymore! and I only have to carry 1 filter rather than a set. There was no visible cast on my Z camera, so I’m quite happy.