Male / female easy to see cedar waxwings

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Lucky to get both in one shot. Such beautiful birds. Enjoy
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I hate to say it and it's my only critique but they both appear to be a little oof, it would've been nice to see one of them sharper, showing better detail, but other than that, I like that you captured two of them. I also like the comp, light, and color. Overall, it's a nice image.
I hate to say it and it's my only critique but they both appear to be a little oof, it would've been nice to see one of them sharper, showing better detail, but other than that, I like that you captured two of them. I also like the comp, light, and color. Overall, it's a nice image.
Thanks for the feedback. It is ok for me, but I do have about 1/2 dozen shots I can find a more focused image. I say it’s ok for me because my endgame is 5x7 greeting cards on flat linen paper. This tends to soften the image anyway.
Thanks for the feedback. It is ok for me, but I do have about 1/2 dozen shots I can find a more focused image. I say it’s ok for me because my endgame is 5x7 greeting cards on flat linen paper. This tends to soften the image anyway.
Gotcha! It should look nice on a 5x7. I'm still struggling with getting pics to look sharp at 1700x1250 or so. Framing my pics up in camera so I don't have to crop helps.