Male House Sparrow - No Respect !

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They might be pretty, but the only respect/shot they get at my house is with a .410 shotgun... I've had several nests (and young) destroyed by them.
It’s the only songbird that it’s legal to kill in CA, I believe. I actually never see them at our house, but i do see some native sparrows like these gold crowned guys that like our bird bath
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They get no respect!
Beautiful image Ralph. Very nice!

I'd say the big reason they get so little respect is they're a particularly aggressive invasive species. They are pretty famous for raiding the nests of our local birds. House Sparrows and European Starlings aren't very welcome in these parts but they're here and have taken their toll on many local species like Mountain Bluebirds.

Still, the males are very striking birds and nice job with that image.
Nice image if this LBJ. We have 3 sparrow species resident and it is always a job to remove their nest endeavors from the sprockets
They get a bad rap for being invasive non native species but in reality they follow man and are native to our neighborhoods.
Nice photo
In a birding forum a guy that was arguing with me that all house sparrows should be killed to save martins shared this as evidence. He obviously didn’t read it