Mallards Taking Flight

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Well-known member
A shot from this past weekend. I would have liked a little more room for the ducks to fly into but it was not meant to be.
Nikon D500, 500PF, ISO450, F/5.6, 1/640 sec.
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I’m not sure what I have done wrong here. I have used Steve’s Lightroom export preset but I have lost sharpness. Or what little sharpness that I had. Oh well I’ve never claimed to know what I’m doing.
Just an experiment, this is not Steve's preset. If anyone looks at this please tell me if you see a difference and which one looks better, Thanks.
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Clippy, I think the first one is sharper - but I also need new glasses.
Thanks Kathy, it’s not the best image to look for sharpness. I thought that the heads of the ducks and the edges of the letters in the watermark looked a little sharper in the second photo. And I also know about the need for new glasses!
Definitely the first one is crisper --- most noticeable in the bird on the extreme left, head and wing detail more precise . However, a great action shot , its never easy to get a small group of this size in various stages of "lift-off" perfectly focused !
Definitely the first one is crisper --- most noticeable in the bird on the extreme left, head and wing detail more precise . However, a great action shot , its never easy to get a small group of this size in various stages of "lift-off" perfectly focused !
Thanks for the input. I’m happy with the shot but I guess you always want things a little better.