Manufacturing Lenses

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I came across this last night and thought I would share. It is a Sigma factory and shows all the steps that go into manufacturing a 24-70 lens. I found it pretty fascinating what goes into it. Kind of makes you feel like the price is pretty reasonable.


The markings on the lens barrels (for focal length/distance scale/etc) are hand painted? :oops: That's crazy, extraordinary how they're able to make them all exactly the same over how many thousands of units.
The markings on the lens barrels (for focal length/distance scale/etc) are hand painted? :oops: That's crazy, extraordinary how they're able to make them all exactly the same over how many thousands of units.
I thought the exact same thing! Pretty impressive and makes me wonder why.
I visited the Olympus factory and was amazed at the old/new world techniques deployed and the level of skill involved. Thanks for posting.